8745 posts
Things I wish I knew Before Night Shift #nursestips #nursingtips #nursingtip #tipsfornurses #scrubsters #scrubster #nursing101rn #nursingschool101 #babynurses #nightshiftshenaningans
Here are some things I wish I knew on Night Shift. Let me know what you think and any tips you have. Night Shift can be tough, but if you do the right things you’ll be able to get through it. And the pay is better so that’s nice. Let me know if you want to hear more about my experience on Night Shift and on which I would prefer.
Here are some things I wish I knew on Night Shift. Let me know what you think and any tips you have. Night Shift can be tough, but if you do the right things you’ll be able to get through it. And the pay is better so that’s nice. Let me know if you want to hear more about my experience on Night Shift and on which I would prefer.
The GOATS of nursing school 🙌🏽
These are just 2 tips! Of course you have to study too but with the help of them. You’ll understand the content much better!
@Nurse Sarah @Nurse Mike @ SimpleNursing
#nursingschool #nursingstudent #howtopassnursingschool #nurse #nurses #nursetok #nursing #nursesoftiktok #studentsoftiktok #greenscreen #registerednursern #simplenursing
These are just 2 tips! Of course you have to study too but with the help of them. You’ll understand the content much better!
@Nurse Sarah @Nurse Mike @ SimpleNursing
#nursingschool #nursingstudent #howtopassnursingschool #nurse #nurses #nursetok #nursing #nursesoftiktok #studentsoftiktok #greenscreen #registerednursern #simplenursing
we’re fighting for our lives here 🫠
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#travelnurselife #ltc
#longtermcarefacility #longtermcare
#longtermcarenurse #snf #cna #ltccna #dementia #memorycare #cnaprobs #nurseprobs #nursehumor #cnahumor
#cnalife #licensedpracticalnurse
#registerednurse #rn #lpn
When I was a new nurse, I felt so shy to ask someone why my tubing wasnt priming. SO this is for all my new nurses out there who at times are a bit confused! I GOTCHUUU AND IM ROOTING FOR UUU 🥹 #NursesofTikTok
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#NightShiftNurse #NewGradNurse
#NewGradRN #CNA #LPN #StudentNurse
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Easy way to remember which BP medication is from which class. #nursing101 #nursesoftiktok #nurse101 #bpmedication #memorytrick #memoryhacks #nursingmemoryhacks #antihypertensives #antihypertensive #nursingstudent #nursingschool #nursing #nurseducator #learnnursing #nurse #doctor #medicalstudent #medicaltiktok #medicalschool #healthcare #newnurse #nurselife #nurseedition #nursetok #rn #ernurse #newgradnurse #newgradrn #studentnurse #newnursetips #newgradnursetips #nursingtips101 #nursingtips #nurseeducator #nurseeducation
Replying to @Shavanda Prototype method for studying nursing Pharmacology is a great timesaving study tip! nursing pharmacology
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tips on studying for pharmacology #yournursingtutor #nursingpharmacology #nursingpharm #nursingstudytips #nursingschoolstudytips #nursingschoolstudy
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