Success stories


Co-creation and the correct formats to show that Allegra does not sleep at the wheel

allegra-hero allegra-logo
+25 %
incremental lift in ad recall
+9.5 %
incremental lift in brand association
+13.9 %
incremental lift in purchase intent

The Objective

No allergy, no drowsiness

Allegra is an antiallergic that promises rapid and prolonged relief from seizures without drowsiness. Showing the differentials of Allegra to the public is the main challenge of the brand. Thus, with a campaign on TikTok, the goal was to give a push in the recognition and consideration of the product among the public, but in a clear and creative way to create a connection with the community.

More than that, the brand also wanted to take advantage of the campaign to answer some questions. After all, what format would bring the best results on TikTok?

The Solution

Co-creation and a more sophisticated test

Developed along with the agency Jellyfish, Allegra's strategy to spread the message was to bet on a content with the face of TikTok. For this, the brand relied on BR Media to work with native creators of the platform and brought the challenge of creating videos that entertained and, at the same time, showed the community all the benefits and differentials of Allegra: quick relief from allergy crises, which lasts 24 hours and does not cause drowsiness.

Aside from the briefing, creators had complete freedom to create and maintain the language that the TikTok community was already used to seeing. And for the message to reach a wider audience of adults interested in the brand, they boosted the co-created videos. But not in a single format: Allegra decided to use standard In-Feed ads and Top Feed, which shows the brand's videos right after the first organic feed content. The idea was to complement. While Top Feed could bring higher viewing and engagement rates in the first place, In-Feed would serve to increase frequency and overall reach.

Allegra also took the opportunity to understand which of the two would contribute the most to brand results at the end of the campaign. And to measure this, a simple brand lift study wasn't enough. It took a multi-cell study, the first to be done by a consumer industry brand on TikTok.

The difference is simple: instead of a single analysis, comparing the reactions of a test group (which sees ads normally) to those of a control group (which doesn't see them), a multi-cell study works with two or more isolated cells, in separate.

The study helped Allegra fine-tune the strategy for a second part of the campaign. After understanding the format that best served its objectives, the brand bet on it and took the opportunity to test another hypothesis in a second multi-cell brand lift, now for creatives. This time, the brand wanted to find out what would bring more results: a campaign with just videos from creators or a mix of pieces made by creators and the brand itself?"

The Results

A successful mix

With the first multi-cell brand lift, Allegra was able to create a cell for each format, In-Feed and Top Feed. Thus, they were able to monitor the performance of the two simultaneously, without the interference from one over the other. With this, they realized that Top Feed contributed more to brand results, mainly in message association, while In-Feed brought media numbers at a better cost.

Overall, the combination of the two, along with the co-creation with native TikTok creators, was essential to the final result. With the campaign, Allegra achieved lifts of 25.6% in ad recall, one of the largest achieved by Sanofi, responsible for Allegra, and 9.5% in message association with the brand, the highest ever obtained by the company on TikTok.

Mixing was also what worked best in the creative test of the second multi-cell brand lift. Both creative strategies resulted in ad recall. But the campaign with videos by creators + pieces made by the brand itself moved more in this pointer and also in the purchase intention. In the end, there were +13.9% incremental purchase intention for the brand. See how TikTok works?

Participating in this project was a unique opportunity to better understand the performance of each positioning, so that we have strategic planning increasingly aligned with the objectives of the brand as a whole. In addition, we were able to bring relevant lift results, with a pioneering multi-cell study in Brazil, thanks to the partnership built between Jellyfish and TikTok.

Lucas Dutra
Paid Social Manager, Jellyfish

TikTok has proven to be a valuable partner in brand-building and consideration-generating campaigns. We understand that even with the communication challenges related to the pharmaceutical market, it is possible to build a captivating digital presence on the platform through partnership with creators.

Lilian Vital
Senior Media Manager, Sanofi Consumer Healthcare

Marketing campaigns with influencers are not just about who you choose to represent your brand, but mostly about the strategy you choose for them to perform. Understanding the right channels, formats and identities of influencers is key to a successful campaign.

Paulo Fabricio
Commercial Manager, BR Media

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Today, TikTok is a great strategic partner for Allegra, where we see great potential to be together with our consumers, passing relevant messages in a natural way within the platform, along with our creators.

Eduardo Magalhães
Category Head, Sanofi