What's the #TouristTrapTuesday series without one of the most widely known tourist spots in the city? The time has come for my review of the iconic and famous- @cafedumonde ☕️ And what do we think!? It's a TRUTH. ✅ Look, the beignets here are more on the doughy side but with that powder sugar piled high & the sounds of live jazz filling the air, I have to give it to this iconic landmark for making my day sweeter! 🎺 The nostalgia of coming here as a kid was enough to make me recommend this spot to any New Orleans visitor! It's just simply something you should experience. Although some may say this is a tourist trap, we think it's one worth falling into! 💛⚜️ #Foodie #nolaeats #nola #foodreviews #neworleans #nolablogger #nolablog #nolafood #nolarestursnts #beignets #cafedumonde