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So.. let make Anolinis Classic Egg Dough Makes 400g (14oz) - Serves 4 • 210g (7½oz) Italian 00 flour • 90g (3¼oz) fine semolina • 3 eggs Steps: 1. Mix the flour and semolina in a bowl. 2. Pour the mixture onto a clean surface, forming a mound. Make a well in the center and crack the eggs into it. 3. Break the yolks with a fork and gradually mix in the flour and semolina. 4. Once it starts to come together, knead the dough for 8-10 minutes until smooth. 5. Shape the dough into a disc and refrigerate for 30 minutes before rolling it out. 6. You can prepare the dough 1-2 days ahead and store it in the fridge for up to 48 hours. Beetroot Egg Dough Makes 400g (14oz) - Serves 4 • 200g (7oz) raw beetroot, peeled and chopped • 60g (2¼oz) water • 1 egg + 2 egg yolks • 250g (9oz) Italian 00 flour Steps: 1. Blend the beetroot with the water to make a purée. Strain through a sieve and let it drip for 5 minutes. 2. Measure 40g (1½oz) of the beetroot liquid. Mix with the egg and yolks. 3. Place the flour on a surface, make a well in the center, and add the beetroot-egg mixture. 4. Gradually mix in the flour with a fork, then knead the dough for 8-10 minutes until smooth. 5. Shape the dough into a disc and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 6. Rest the dough before rolling it out for pasta. Anolini Equipment: Pasta machine, 3cm (1¼in) anolini stamp or small round cookie cutter, piping bag (optional) Filling Ingredients: • Ricotta • Mascarpone • Goat cheese • Parmesan • Salt & pepper • Fresh lemon zest Steps: 1. Roll out ¼ of your egg dough to the thinnest setting on your pasta machine. Dust a tray with semolina for the finished pasta. 2. Lay the rolled dough flat. Fold in half to mark the center, then unfold. 3. Spoon or pipe cherry-sized amounts of filling onto one side of the dough, leaving space between each mound. 4. Fold the other half of the dough over to cover the filling. Press between the mounds to seal. 5. Use an anolini stamp (or cookie cutter) to cut out the shapes. 6. Remove the excess dough, re-roll, and continue shaping until done. . . . #cook #kitchen #food #foodrecipes #foodie #recipes #reels #beet #pasta #ravioli #anolini
ANOLINI DI PARMA Il primo piatto Natalizio per eccellenza è la pasta ripiena in brodo e, da bravo Parmense, @ferrucciomicheli_ ci ha preparato gli anolini in brodo 😍 e tu, che primo piatto mangi oggi? 🎄 🕐Tempo di preparazione: 1 ora 🕐Tempo di riposo: 30 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 5 ore 😊Difficoltà: Media 🍽Dosi: Per 6 persone 🤑Costo: Medio Ingredienti: Per il brodo di carne: Cappello del prete, 200 g; Biancostato di manzo, 300 g; Cappone, ¼; Cipolla, 1; Chiodi di garofano, 1; Carota, 1; Sedano, 1 gambo; Prezzemolo, 3 foglie; Per lo stracotto: Coscia di manzo, 200 g; Magatello di vitello, 200 g; Lonza di maiale, 200 g; Scalogno, 1; Carota, 1; Chiodi di garofano, 2; Vino rosso corposo, 1 bicchiere; Ripieno Parmigiano 36 mesi, 200 g; Stracotto tritato, 300 g; Pangrattato, 100 g; Sugo dello stracotto, q.b.; Noce moscata, q.b.; Per la pasta: Farina, 400 g; Uova, 2; Sale, 1 pizzico; Acqua, q.b.; - #ChefinCamicia #RicetteSemplici #RicetteVeloci #CucinaItaliana
Sebuah video yang nampilin seorang laki-laki bernama Suhada jadi viral. Dia datang ke perusahaan di Kelurahan Cikiwul, Bantargebang, Kota Bekasi, buat minta THR. Dalam video yang durasinya 2 menit 39 detik itu, Suhada yang pake rompi hitam ribut sama sekuriti karena ngotot pengen ketemu pemilik perusahaan. Sekuriti udah coba kasih uang Rp 20.000 sebagai THR, tapi Suhada nolak dan tetep maksa mau ketemu bos perusahaan. Suhada ngaku-ngaku sebagai "jagoan yang pegang Cikiwul" dan bahkan ngancem mau nutup jalan di depan perusahaan kalo permintaannya gak dikabulin. Dia juga bilang, terpaksa "turun gunung" soalnya anak buahnya udah berkali-kali gagal ketemu sang pemilik perusahaan. Setelah videonya nyebar di medsos, Suhada kabur ke Gunung Putri, Kabupaten Bogor. Tapi akhirnya, pada 20 Maret 2025, polisi berhasil nangkep dia. Kapolsek Bantargebang, Kompol Sukadi, ngasih tau kalo Suhada dan tiga temennya itu sebenernya preman yang pake kedok ormas dan mereka dateng ke perusahaan itu buat maksa minta THR. Kasus ini nunjukin kalo aksi premanisme masih aja ada di beberapa tempat, terutama pas mendekati hari raya, di mana kelompok-kelompok tertentu maksa perusahaan atau pengusaha buat ngasih THR ke mereka. Menurut kalian, hukuman apa yang pantes buat preman-preman model begini? Penjara doang cukup gak sih, atau perlu ada cara lain supaya aksi premanisme jelang hari raya bisa hilang? Share pengalaman kalian juga dong kalo pernah lihat atau ngalamin kejadian serupa di daerah kalian. [Video: X/Pai_C1] [Sumber: Kompas] #INNFOA1 #PremanismeTHR #ViralBekasi #HukumTegas #OrmasBodong #AmankanRamadan #PremanJalanan #InfoKriminal #BeritaViral #THR2025 #JagoanGadungan