24 δημοσιεύσεις
At 14:46 on March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck Japan’s northeast coast, triggering a massive tsunami that wiped out entire towns. Over 18,000 lives were lost, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant suffered a meltdown, forcing thousands to evacuate. A decade later, the scars remain, but so does the resilience of the people. Remembering and honoring the victims. Thoughts and prayers for all affected.
#NeverForget #March11 #311Japan #JapanEarthquake #Tsunami2011 #Fukushima #FukushimaDisaster #PrayForJapan #TohokuEarthquake #JapanResilience #DisasterMemorial #TsunamiSurvivors #JapanHistory #StayStrongJapan #WeRemember311 #東日本大震災 #3月11日 #震災から13年 #津波被害 #福島第一原発 #福島の今 #忘れない #復興 #被災地支援 #日本の強さ #東北の今 #防災意識 #命を守る #祈りを捧げる
#NeverForget #March11 #311Japan #JapanEarthquake #Tsunami2011 #Fukushima #FukushimaDisaster #PrayForJapan #TohokuEarthquake #JapanResilience #DisasterMemorial #TsunamiSurvivors #JapanHistory #StayStrongJapan #WeRemember311 #東日本大震災 #3月11日 #震災から13年 #津波被害 #福島第一原発 #福島の今 #忘れない #復興 #被災地支援 #日本の強さ #東北の今 #防災意識 #命を守る #祈りを捧げる