4.9M posts
Make sure to stretch and show us your #Yoga practice.
My stretching routine is available in my bio ✅ You'll be able to find +100 exercises for the whole body, requiring no equipment at all ❌ Many thanks to @nicoledebarber for the illustrations ! #flexibility #mobility #stretching #supple #stretch #stretches #yoga #pain #health #gym #sport #gymnastics #bodyweight #training #workout #streetworkout #calisthenics #exercise #amazing #physique #animalposes #challenge #ranking
Las posturas de yoga (asanas) ayudan a balancear los chakras ya que estimulan físicamente los puntos de energía y desbloquean la energía estancada 🌪️ - Cada chakra está asociado con una región del cuerpo y al realizar las posturas que trabajan esas áreas, se puede estimular la energía en el chakra correspondiente. - Cuando los chakras están desequilibrados, puede haber una acumulación de energía estancada en ciertas partes del cuerpo. Al practicar las posturas que implican movimientos específicos, podemos liberar esa energía bloqueada. - La conciencia corporal, es decir, el prestar atención a las sensaciones físicas, también ayuda a identificar los desequilibrios en los chakras. 🎥creditos: rutayoga_ 💫💫 . . . . #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #chakrahealing #chakra #meditacion #bienestar #saludybienestar #espiritualidad #meditacion #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #chakrahealing #chakra #meditacion #bienestar #saludybienestar #espiritualidad #meditacion
This isn’t your average yoga class. And that’s not your average yoga partner.” When you step into Muskoka Puppy Yoga, you’re signing up for more than just yoga—you’re stepping into a world of pure, unpredictable joy. Because when your “yoga partner” is a German Shepherd puppy, all plans for a peaceful flow go out the window. Instead of silence, there’s laughter. Instead of perfect poses, there’s playful chaos. And instead of stress, there’s an entire room filled with happiness on four paws. Would you trade your regular yoga class for this? 🐶✨ Let us know in the comments! ⬇️ #PuppyYoga #GermanShepherdPuppy #DogLovers #YogaWithDogs #FunnyDogVideos #puppychaos
Try this. 🧘♀️✨ Paschimottanasana, or seated forward bend, stretches the spine, hamstrings, and lower back, helping beginners increase flexibility, calm the mind, and improve digestion as they build their yoga foundation. #yogabasics #beginneryoga #yogatutorial #fitness #basicfit #homeworkout #homestretch #fittok #yogatok #nursetok #fyp #fy #foryou #nurse #asian #shelovesyoga
Try this.🧘♀️👍 •Unlocking a leg split through yoga improves flexibility in the hips, hamstrings, and inner thighs, which enhances overall mobility and balance. This increased flexibility supports better alignment, reduces the risk of injury, and allows for deeper stretches in other yoga poses. #leg #split #yogapose #tips #beginner #exercise #yogaathome #homefitnes #painfree #selfcare #support #nepalitiktok #nursetok #fy #nepali #fyp #fypシ #shelovesyoga
Descubre cómo el yoga te puede ayudar a tener una vida más plena y con más bienestar🙏🏼✨. Comenta "yoga" y te paso toda la información del curso #yoga #postura #yogainspiration #salud #bienestarysalud #mentesana #Yoga #yogaflow #salud #yogachallenge #parati #bienestar #yoga #postura #yogainspiration #salud #bienestarysalud #mentesana #Yoga #yogaflow #salud #yogachallenge #parati #bienestar
Dachshund puppies + yoga = the perfect recipe for laughter and lightness! Join us as these tiny bundles of joy scamper and tumble their way through class, turning ordinary yoga into an extraordinary adventure. Don't miss out on the fun—each moment is cuter than the last! Register for one of our classes on our website www.muskokapuppyyoga.ca #PuppyYoga #JoyAndWellness #puppies #StressRelief #muskokayoga #yogainmuskoka #TherapeuticBenefits #puppiesoftiktok #MuskokaPuppyYoga #puppytherapy #huntsvilleontario #muskoka #canada