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Da li je naš univerzum zarobljen unutar crne rupe? Svemirski teleskop James Webb otkrio je nešto što dovodi u pitanje ono što smo mislili da znamo o kosmosu. Može li ovo otkriće dokazati da je naš univerzum nastao iz urušene zvijezde? A ako je tako, da li to znači da je svaka crna rupa prolaz u drugi svijet? Ova teorija, iako spekulativna, potiče naučnike da preispitaju osnove naše spoznaje o postanku i strukturi svemira. Ako je naš univerzum zaista nastao iz crne rupe, šta to znači za našu budućnost? Da li postoji mogućnost da se naša stvarnost proteže kroz više dimenzija, a crne rupe su samo mostovi između njih? Ova misterija i dalje ostaje jedna od najvećih zagonetki nauke, ali zahvaljujući tehnologiji poput James Webb teleskopa, možda smo korak bliže odgovorima. Is our universe trapped inside a black hole? The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed something that challenges what we thought we knew about the cosmos. Could this discovery prove that our universe was born from a collapsing star? And if so, does that mean every black hole is a doorway to another world? This theory, although speculative, is prompting scientists to reconsider the foundations of our understanding of the origin and structure of the universe. If our universe truly emerged from a black hole, what does that mean for our future? Could it be possible that our reality extends across multiple dimensions, with black holes serving as bridges between them? This mystery remains one of the greatest enigmas of science, but thanks to technology like the James Webb Telescope, we may be one step closer to finding answers. #kaiko_bosnaa #blackholes #whitehole #darkmatter #jameswebb #jameswebbtelescope #universetrapped #cosmos #universe #telescope #scientists #multipledimensions #multidimensional #multidimensionalbeings #space