I’ll show you what to do with all that heat #stem If you’re on Twitch I’ll be talking about this and other STEM topics every Tues and Thurs, so be sure to follow and subscribe! (link in the bio) Sources: 1. “Scientists Finally Invent Heat-Controlling Circuitry” – Scientific American 2. “Hot computers are slow and dangerous” – Popular Science
Explaining transistors using Minecraft #minecraft #learnontiktok #technology #minecraftbuilding Extra details: This is only talking about the NPN BJT, which stands for: “Bipolar Junction Transistor”. There are two types of BJTs: NPN and PNP, these letters mean either P-type material or N-type material. There are other types of transistor that work in different ways and have their own advantages and disadvantage, e.g. MOSFETs, JFETs, photo-transistors, etc. Each pin (collector, base, emitter) is attached to a material. N-type: collector and emitter P-type: base The P-type material has a deficit of electrons, meaning they have spots in their orbitals where electrons should be, but aren’t (called “holes”). The N-type material has a surplus of electrons making it slightly negatively charged. In between the materials (when they’re slapped together) is a region that electrons can’t cross without the right amount of force (Voltage)… or quantum tunnelling, I guess. This is the “depletion zone” and is why electrons don’t just move to the other side on their own (movement of electrons is electricity, btw). We “force” the electrons over the depletion zone by applying a voltage onto them (usually around 0.6V). In this video I’m explaining how transistors are used as switches, but they’re also used as signal amplifiers when placed in certain circuits but that’s a video for another day. Integrated circuits or IC chips are pretty much just filled with tiny transistors, that execute lines of code.