12 posts
Here's how to check, and why it matters 👇 Every year, my ski school gets parents signing their kids up for ski lessons based on the runs they did last year and the shape their skis are in when they turn. But quite often, their assessment doesn't match the kid's actual abilities. That's usually not a problem, instructors are flexible, unless the class ends up on a run that is beyond the student's actual ability level. What happens then is the kid either a) ends up in a massive braking wedge, sitting way back or b) gets terrified and the instructor has to call for backup (sometimes yours truly.) So if you have a student who is learning parallel and bringing their skis together here's a quick way to check if they are actually skiing with parallel skis, or if they're just doing a very tiny wedge: check the tracks in the snow. Have your kiddo stop after a turn and look back at the tracks they've made. You'll be able to see if they were on matching uphill edges, or opposing inside edges. If you watch closely, you can get good at recognizing this in motion as well, but since some kids are good at steering their skis straight but don't have the edge matching dialed in just yet the tracks are a surefire way to tell. Here's why it's important: riding straightish skis with opposing edges is fine and doable on flatter terrain, but as the runs get steeper it becomes a problem. The wedge gets wider and the skis lose grip. It's easier and safer to match those uphill edges, dig them in, incline the knees uphill, and angulate the upper body downhill to keep the center of mass over the base of support. That's why we ski parallel! If you want feedback on your kids' skiing, or your own, send me a DM with a clip. I love doing movement analysis!! #skilessons #skitipsforkids #skitips #skiinstructor #skiing #skiingwithkids
Sound like a pro, even if you’re not! Here’s a quick guide to a few key ski and snowboard terms that’ll help you fit right in on the slopes this season ⛷️🏂 #visitsaltlake #slc #beutahful #utah #exploreutah #skiutah #skipow #wasatchmountains #beautifuldestinations #travel #adventuretravel #vacationmode #skication