18 posts
Come and observe a complete HR case from an employees perspective from start to end. See first hand how bad hr are. In real time. Mention in the comments if you want to be tagged and kept up to date with this case as it progresses, and watch how hr responds when challenged about them messing up! #hr #hrisajoke #hrtrends #goodhr #toobusytowork #hrtiktok #cipd #hrprofessional #hrisbroken #processor
Don’t ask me questions that you don’t want the answer to or ones that you do want the answer to because I can barey pay attention #work #worklife #workfromhome #remotework #remote #working #teams #meetings #hrlegallythisisajoke #meetingsbelike #microsoftteams #worktok #coworkers #joke #meetingsbelikethatsometimes #workfromhomejobs