𓋜⠀⠀⠀⠀youre one of rhe bestest people ive met this year so far, youre an amazing friend i love spending time with you, whenevr its playing games or just talking in general and making those fun hcs, youve always managed to make smile and laugh, no matter what. even when im having a bad day you always light it up and make it better, you’re an amazing AMMAZINGHH awesome person, like i can’t describe how much i care about you, youre so awesome sauce!!…its only been a week but its like we’ve been friends for months or years even, its been very funny hanging out with you and everything, i cherish every single day i talk with you. i care about you a lot and no matter what happens, i’ll always be there for you. im glad i got to meet you, just through an intro post. its crazy how we did meet, its like suddenly we clicked and we’re best friends. its insane, i love you so much /p, youre the best thing ive could’ve ever asked for green. <3⠀⠀⠀⠀⨟ #pressure #pressureroblox #sebastianpressure #sebastianpressureroblox #sebastianedit #sebastiansolace #painterpressure #painterpressureroblox #painteredit #edits #videostar #videostarpro #videostaredit #platonic #selfinsert #xbcyza @greena1rhead