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This is probably a good moment to say that I’m by no means an authority on dahlias - I just love growing them. 🫶 Two professionals I always look to for advice in the dahlia department are @sarahravenperchhill and @clausdalby, particularly Claus if you’re growing yours primarily in containers (like me!).

With that being said, I wanted to address some common questions I’ve been asked since planting the tubers.

🌸 “Mine haven’t sprouted yet, have I done something wrong?!” Not necessarily! Mine are all in various stages of sprouting from absolutely nothing to lots of bountiful growth. Some tubers are slower to start than others. You have to be patient (which is the wonderful thing about gardening in a society which is invariably in a rush). For me, if I don’t see any growth after four weeks, then I resolve that the tuber was probably a dud. The good news is that you can often buy them as young plants anyway, so it doesn’t mean you’ll miss out on the variety.

🌸 “My tuber hasn’t sprouted but the compost is bone dry - can I water it?” Yes! The advice to not water your tubers after you’ve planted them is to discourage you from giving them regular sprinkles. The tubers are susceptible to rot, HOWEVER if you accidentally leave them out in the rain once or twice, they’ll almost definitely be alright. Poke your finger beneath the soil surface; if it’s not just the surface which is bone dry, give it a water and then leave it alone again.

🌸 “Should I be taking my dahlias out into the sun?” I do! They like the light & the warmth. I just try and remember to bring them back in again if rain is forecast or the temperatures drop (‘try’ being the operative word 🫣).

🌸 “Do I need to pot my dahlias up into larger containers?” Yes! Unless you’re growing dwarf or ‘gallery’ varieties, dahlias are big plants and need space to grow into their big beautiful selves. This can still be a pot - a large 50/60cm one, for example - but if kept in a small pot, your dahlia won’t reach its best. It will still grow, but you’ll see limited if any blooms.

WHEW. I hope that helps. 🥹🌸 Happy gardening.

#dahliatips #dahlias #dahliagarden #beginnergardener #inmygarden #beginnergardening
It’s time to pot up your dahlia tubers!

I can’t believe it but it’s that time of year already, so yesterday I spent the entire day in the sun potting up my
@sarah raven tubers.

You can plant dahlia tubers directly into the ground, but if you’re going to do this I’d wait until the risk of frost has gone - as dahlias hate the cold!

But if you’re looking to get a head start like me, you can start them off in pots. This also helps them get more established before planting out to give them a better chance of survival against pests. As all know slugs and snails love nothing more than a young dahlia plant.

This is my method of potting up - I’m no expert but this has worked for me over the last 4 summers.

I store my potted dahlias in my cold frame greenhouse, but I will keep an eye on temps and if it looks like there’s a frost I’ll just cover them with some horticultural fleece overnight just incase.

I’ll then plant them out late May. But I’ll share updates before then!

And if you don’t have a greenhouse, you can start them off in pots indoors, however I just don’t have the space 😆. But I know lots of people do this & it means they’ll grow much quicker as it’s warmer.

You can also use the plastic box method which is essentially using a large clear plastic box as a greenhouse.

I don’t expect to see much growth until April time. But I’ll keep an eye on them. I’ve given them a big drink so I probably won’t water again until I start to see shoots. But if we get any super warm days and the soil is particularly dry, I’ll give them some more water. You just don’t want them sitting in damp compost for too long as they can rot.

I’ve got so many new varieties this year I need to show you them all. But I can’t wait for the blooms.

I hope this was helpful. And I hope everyone’s had a gorgeous weekend in the sun.

#gardening #gardentok #newbuildgarden #dahlias #dahlia #gardentips
#pruningdahlias is a critical part to the success of your plant. Share your experience. #gardening101 #flowerlover #dahliaflower #gardeninghacks
Replying to @Sam the Tri-Pawd here’s how I support my dahlias with netting in our flower field . #dahlia #flowerfarmer #gardentips #cutflowergarden
Here’s 5 dahlia tips I learnt from my trip to Sarah Raven’s garden last week…

🌸Don’t wash your dahlias when you lift them 🌸
I’ve definitely been guilty of doing this previously 🫣 but never again. As Sarah shared that it’s much better to lift them, dry them & then remove any excess soil when they’re dry, vs washing it off. As adding any additional water means they are more likely to rot.

🌸Make a mound for those kept in the ground🌸
Rain and frost can be a worry for dahlia tubers that are kept in the ground, so Sarah’s tip was to mound up your mulch over the tuber so the water can run off easily and it keeps them more protected against the colder temps.

🌸A dahlia border is better than a mixed border🌸
We have all had problems with slugs and 🐌 this year. But it may be due to the fact our dahlias are amongst plants the slugs and snails can hide under. I know mine are always hiding under my sedum! So if you plant dahlias all together there are less hiding places for them so they’re easier to spot for birds and other predators. (And for us too, if you’re picking them off!)

🌸bring on the birds🌸
Following on from the last point. One of the best ways to reduce your slug and snail population is to increase the bird population in your garden. Create habitats for birds, leave your seed heads, don’t keep your garden too tidy! Make it a place birds want to come and they’ll thank you by feasting on those slimey pests.

🌸nematodes in April and September🌸
Finally It was super interesting to hear that one of the best times to do your nemaslug treatment is in September to stop the breeding of more slugs for next year! I didn’t do this so I’m already dreading what will happen in spring. But I’ll definitely try watering some in now just incase I’m not too late!

Did you know all of these? I certainly didn’t but I will be using all this advice for my dahlia garden next year.

And a reminder that all these helpful tips were discovered on my
#presstrip to Sarah Raven.

#gardening #dahlias