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In face reading chins have to do with the kidneys, the water element and emotions. The stronger the chin, the stronger the will. I want to come back to this. But first…In common face reading this horizontal line below the lip and above the chin has to do with someone needing to know and have confirmation of their desirability. This could come from not getting the attention they needed in childhood or them not feeling valued or appreciated. These people tend to be pleasant to be around because they are humble. This fact above could point to this emotional strength of the kidneys. If there is a line here, according to the ancient Chinese this showed that this person needed to preserve their qi and possibly retire. It shows that they are using too much Yang energy (masculine) and need more yin. Lines here show that your body has taken a physical toll. If this area is associated with the kidneys, the main thing you can do to heal the kidneys is rest. This line shows over work. All this can be tied together between the common and the ancient Chinese thought. The person who feels unappreciated in their childhood will work themselves to death to try to please everyone else around them. Does this resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below, if you would like to work with me for a face reading, facial, or a human design reading please click the link in the bio. #mama #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #chin