A caseworker is someone who provides an individual with, advocacy, information, rides, help getting into shelters, stipends, ect. My caseworker was someone who talked me through some of the hardest times in my life, she was there to help me get from hotel to hotel, helped me get into shelters, sat with me while I cried in a storage unit, for hours, because I knew I would be sleeping there for the night, in the dead of winter. She absolutely went above and beyond in every way possible did more for me then my own parents while I was homeless ( They did nothing lmfao) I considered her family. This loss hurts tremendously, but I celebrate that I met her, and she was in my life. There aren't many social/caseworkers left like her in the system. Working within, yet against the system, who has an understanding of things. Thank you. For everything. I love you. #unhoused #unhousedoutreach #staysafeoutthere #unhousedneighbors #unhousedfriends #unhousedcreator #unhousedcommunity #unhousedpeople #mutualaid101 #mutualaidhub #mutualaidtok #mutualaid