32 posts
Jessenia was about 5 months here. She couldnt really sit up, even with support. You can hear how high her voice is. She was still very very fussy most of the time. Still very tiny. The doctors were telling me she was just “colicky”. She is my 3rd child and I didnt think it was just a colicky baby. #criduchatsyndrome #criduchat #5pminus
🎈🎈 Beth remembered how much fun the Cri du Chat (5p Minus) annual conference was last year, seeing other wonderful kids and adults with her same unique genetic syndrome. She brightened other people's days on the plane 😁
@5pminussociety @5pminus
#criduchatsyndrome ##criduchatawareness #criduchat #5pminussyndrome #5pminusawareness #5pminus #raresyndromeawareness #raredisease #raresyndrome #joy #happy #happylife #joyful
@5pminussociety @5pminus
#criduchatsyndrome ##criduchatawareness #criduchat #5pminussyndrome #5pminusawareness #5pminus #raresyndromeawareness #raredisease #raresyndrome #joy #happy #happylife #joyful
Sorry this is so long 🤣 but just a little intro into my world and my posts. I'll be posting a video with Cooper later ❤️
#sendmum #sendparent #specialneeds #disabilities #criduchat #criduchatsyndrome #mumguilt #5pminus #5pdeletion #rare #rareconditions #mosaic #diagnosis #chromosomes #babies #toddler #anxiety #weightloss #weightlossjourney #caloriecounting #couchto5k
#sendmum #sendparent #specialneeds #disabilities #criduchat #criduchatsyndrome #mumguilt #5pminus #5pdeletion #rare #rareconditions #mosaic #diagnosis #chromosomes #babies #toddler #anxiety #weightloss #weightlossjourney #caloriecounting #couchto5k