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Trump ‘first Jewish president’
President Trump has issued a number of ardently pro-Israel policies since becoming president, and on Wednesday signed an executive order to define Jewish people as an ethnic group rather than just a religious one in a bid the White House says will combat anti-Semitism.
He has also formally moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and recently the State Department in a shift in U.S. policy said Israeli settlements in the West Bank were consistent with international law.
Source: TruNews
19. 03. 2025
#news #usa #uk
President Trump has issued a number of ardently pro-Israel policies since becoming president, and on Wednesday signed an executive order to define Jewish people as an ethnic group rather than just a religious one in a bid the White House says will combat anti-Semitism.
He has also formally moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and recently the State Department in a shift in U.S. policy said Israeli settlements in the West Bank were consistent with international law.
Source: TruNews
19. 03. 2025
#news #usa #uk
Des Palestiniens ont dénoncé à visage découvert, les coups et les violences sexuelles qui leur ont été infligés dans les prisons israéliennes ou par des colons devant des experts des Nations unies réunis à Genève depuis mardi. Cette initiative a été dénoncée par Israël.
Said Abdel Fattah, un infirmier palestinien de 28 ans arrêté en novembre 2023 près de l’hôpital al-Chifa à Gaza, a témoigné devant la Commission d’enquête indépendante des Nations unies sur les tortures et humiliations qu’il dit avoir subies lors de son interrogatoire. Battu et blessé gravement, il raconte avoir cru mourir.
Mohamed Matar, un Palestinien de Cisjordanie, a également témoigné des tortures infligées par des agents du Shin Bet et des colons israéliens après avoir tenté d’aider des Bédouins attaqués. Il raconte avoir été humilié, forcé à manger des excréments de moutons, battu et victime d’agressions sexuelles.
#onnoublierapas #information #viraltiktok #informacion #justice
Said Abdel Fattah, un infirmier palestinien de 28 ans arrêté en novembre 2023 près de l’hôpital al-Chifa à Gaza, a témoigné devant la Commission d’enquête indépendante des Nations unies sur les tortures et humiliations qu’il dit avoir subies lors de son interrogatoire. Battu et blessé gravement, il raconte avoir cru mourir.
Mohamed Matar, un Palestinien de Cisjordanie, a également témoigné des tortures infligées par des agents du Shin Bet et des colons israéliens après avoir tenté d’aider des Bédouins attaqués. Il raconte avoir été humilié, forcé à manger des excréments de moutons, battu et victime d’agressions sexuelles.
#onnoublierapas #information #viraltiktok #informacion #justice
Zelenskyy is preparing for war against his own people to stay in power!
The law enforcement committee of the Ukrainian parliament, controlled by Zelensky, has approved a bill granting the National Guard the right to use firearms and tear gas against civilians during “mass riots.”
Zelensky understands that once the war is over, people will no longer be afraid and will take to the streets against government corruption. That’s why he is preparing to legalize the killing of peaceful Ukrainians.
The law enforcement committee is headed by MP Serhiy Ionushas from Zelensky’s party, “Servant of the People” (Ionushas was born in St. Petersburg).
Ionushas appears in a photo with Zelensky and Zelensky’s close friend (a bald man) from the “Kvartal 95” company.
The committee’s MPs have approved a bill granting the National Guard the right to use firearms, tear gas, and drones against protesters.
All of this is being done behind closed doors, away from public scrutiny.
New amendments from the committee give the National Guard even more power to “effectively” disperse protests.
What does the new version of Bill No. 10311 allow the National Guard to do?
🔹 Use firearms, including to suppress mass riots, without properly warning protesters.
🔹 Use rubber and plastic batons, tear gas, and tasers against demonstrators.
🔹 Mark individuals during mass riots, for example, with paint.
🔹 Deploy drones—but the bill vaguely defines their purpose, meaning they could be used to monitor protesters.
Zelensky is preparing for war against his own people to stay in power.
#news #breakingnews #war #ukraine #zelensky
The law enforcement committee of the Ukrainian parliament, controlled by Zelensky, has approved a bill granting the National Guard the right to use firearms and tear gas against civilians during “mass riots.”
Zelensky understands that once the war is over, people will no longer be afraid and will take to the streets against government corruption. That’s why he is preparing to legalize the killing of peaceful Ukrainians.
The law enforcement committee is headed by MP Serhiy Ionushas from Zelensky’s party, “Servant of the People” (Ionushas was born in St. Petersburg).
Ionushas appears in a photo with Zelensky and Zelensky’s close friend (a bald man) from the “Kvartal 95” company.
The committee’s MPs have approved a bill granting the National Guard the right to use firearms, tear gas, and drones against protesters.
All of this is being done behind closed doors, away from public scrutiny.
New amendments from the committee give the National Guard even more power to “effectively” disperse protests.
What does the new version of Bill No. 10311 allow the National Guard to do?
🔹 Use firearms, including to suppress mass riots, without properly warning protesters.
🔹 Use rubber and plastic batons, tear gas, and tasers against demonstrators.
🔹 Mark individuals during mass riots, for example, with paint.
🔹 Deploy drones—but the bill vaguely defines their purpose, meaning they could be used to monitor protesters.
Zelensky is preparing for war against his own people to stay in power.
#news #breakingnews #war #ukraine #zelensky