Japanese Breakfasts are everything a breakfast should be : ✅ packed with protein: protein helps keep up full and build muscle. It’s critical for our growth, development, and healthy ageing. They enjoy tofu, egg, salmon thats rich in omega 3s, soybeans, and sometimes a little meat at their breakfasts. ✅ rich in fiber: there are always a lot of vegetables at a Japanese meal, especially breakfast. They come steamed, marinated, boiled in a soup, and pickled. ✅ loaded with probiotics: There are lots of fermented foods that are high in probiotics (aka healthy bugs that live in our gut and help our digestion, immunity, mental health, and our weight). You see it in the miso soup, the miso on the omelet, the nato, and pickled vegetables ✅ low in sugar: if you see any juice at all, it will probably come in a glass the size of a shot glass, about half the soze of an iphone. Even the fruit you find at breakfast is usually sour, not sweet, because it’s been soaking in a vinegar. Come back and follow for more slim and longevity secrets ❤️🙏🏻🎋🍣🏯🎎 #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #nutrition #probiotics #guthealth #highproteinbreakfast #nutritionplan #JapaneseBreakfast #HealthyStart #NutritionMatters #WholesomeEating #BalancedMeal #GutHealth #Omega3FattyAcids #FiberRich #StartYourDayRight #traditionalfood #japan #japanesefood #probiotics #guthealth