High protein pasta 🍝✨🍅 recipe below!! Ingredients: @Poppi for the good vibes 1 lb ground beef @Palmini_Official noodles (for lower carb!!) 1/2 lb pasta @KerrygoldUSA butter 1 jar @Rao’s Homemade arrabiata pasta sauce 2-3 tbsp @Good Culture cottage cheese @Taylor Farms caesar salad @Josie’s Organics baby kale, spinach, and arugula Toppings: basil, parmesan Seasonings: onion powder, salt, pepper, italian seasoning Instructions: 1. Brown ground beef in pan (@Caraway Home ELLIETEALE10 for 10% off) with above seasonings 2. Cook noodles according to package, drain, then add butter 3. In a blender, add pasta sauce and cottage cheese and blend until smooth 4. Remove pan from heat, cool a little bir, and slowly add in pasta sauce while stirring, then add in noodles 5. Top with parmesan and basil 6. Mix greens and caesar salad kit until well combined 7. Enjoy 😚 #highprotein #pasta #pastarecipe #healthyrecipe #easyrecipe #healthydinnerideas #healthydinner #healthymeals #poppipartner #sodasback