Royal icing is what I use when decorating cookies and making sprinkles! It’s an icing that hardens so it’s able to be packaged ^^ It’s been a while since I posted my recipe so I thought I’d re-share it since I still get lots of requests for it ♡ I’m definitely not an expert at royal icing, I’ve adjusted this recipe over the years to suit me and my needs for it and you should do the same with any recipe you use! -I use butter vanilla emulsion (NECESSITY) and vanilla extract for the flavorings! -cornsyrup gives the icing a soft bite and makes it a bit shinier when dry but you can omit it if you want! -you can substitute meringue powder with egg whites, I’d just google another royal icing recipe if you were doing that bc I have no idea how the conversion of the two work ^^ -I usually use a paddle attachment to mix my icing so that it doesn’t incorporate too much air into the icing which could leave you with tons of air bubbles that you’d have to pop while decorating! -You also want to make sure you don’t overmix the icing. If you do, you’ll find that the icing won’t dry properly and it’ll be kinda crumbly ☹️. I like to mix on low-medium for a max of 5 minutes total to avoid that. -I usually mix my batches to this consistency but if you want it thicker or thinner, add or remove some water from the recipe! -you may have to adjust the recipe to suit your climate. The amount of meringue powder may vary from humid to dry places! That’s why it’s important to experiment and find what works best for yourself! ♡ #recipe #royalicing #royalicingrecipe #cookiedecorating #decoratedcookies #sprinkles #cooking #baking #icing #sugarcookies #customcookies