I have been eating Carvel ice cream cakes for as long as I can remember, and this is the first time I see them releasing a new flavor. Smash or pass? ✌️🤤 Carbe Diem!!! Leave a comment and follow @in.for.a.food.awakening for more post like this and share so we can bring together more foodies from ALL different walks of life. 🥩 🥧 🍟 🍕 🥡 🥓 🍔 🍓 🥨 🥦 🥪 🌭 🌮 🥧 #instafood #icecreamtime #tastyfood #instastyle #fastfoodbinge #icecreamsandwiches #dessertbar #fastfoodjunkie #delicious #icecreamcone #dessertsgram #dessertlover #deliciousness #yummy #fastfoodfriday #tastymemes #foodie #yummymummy #food #yummyinmytummy #foodporn #icecreamforbreakfast #mariettastylist #icecreamroll #Carvel #icecreamlover #desserttable #popyummy #fastfood #makeitdelicious