39 posts
Santuario Tsukán it is a tourist destination for exploration and discovery that preserves culture, traditions and nature through narrative, cultural and gastronomic experiences inspired by the Mayan worldview and the legend of Tsukán. THE LEGEND OF TSUKAN The ancient Mayans say that since the dawn of the world there lived the snake Tsukán, owner of caves and cenotes, guardian so that the water circulation was never interrupted, vigilant so that it was always full of life. #tsukan #mexico #travel #yucatanmexico #mayaculture #foryourpage #foryou #nationalgeographic #cave
Cenote Tsukán Santuario 💦😍🎬#nature #p hotography #n aturephotography #l ove #t ravel #p hotooftheday #i nstagood #b eautiful #p icoftheday #p hoto #a rt #i nstagram #n aturelovers #l andscape #l ike #f ollow #h appy #b hfyp #t ravelphotography #s unset #s ummer #l ife #i g #w ildlife #b eauty #i nstadaily #s ky #f lowers #p hotographer #b hfyp #f pvcinematic #f pvlifestyle #f pvpilot #f pvquad #f pvdrones #f pvmagazine #f pvdji #f pvwing #f pvbook #d rone #d ronephotography #d ronestagram #d roneoftheday #d ronelife #d ronepilot