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The dreaded 4 month regression is here (which is a really a PROGRESSION in their sleep cycles and abilities). Poppy went from sleeping through the night the majority of the time to waking multiple times a night and not being able to settle without a feeding 😩She is still taking amazing naps which I am so grateful for because my first daughter had horrible sleep day and night during her regression, but even just bad nights are rough. I was lucky with my second because her 4 month regression was just a little blip so truly every baby is different in how they respond to these changes. You can sleep train through a regression, but I would recommend only nap training because if you try to overnight sleep train you might be up ALL night and even more miserable. By starting with nap training, you can at least get them more comfortable with putting themselves to sleep which will help things improve. Don't expect these tips to be a magic fix. The best you can hope for is that following them improves their sleep slightly. Other than these tips, you just have to wait for this developmental stage to pass and do a little reset once it does so your babe can return to having great sleep (or gently sleep train for the first time!). My baby sleep class is at the 🔗 in my bio for only $35! #BabySleepRegression #SleepStruggles #ParentingChallenges #RestlessNights #SleepDeprivation #NightWaking #SleepRegressionSolutions #4monthregression #4monthsold #sleeptraining #tiredparents #SleeplessNights #sleepcoach #sleepconsultant #mom #momsotiktok #creatorsearchinsights #sleepregression 4 month sleep regression solutions Baby sleep advice
Replying to @L When it comes to a broken sleep cycle, these are my top three tips for helping break it. When you put all of these together and incorporate the last solution, you’ll have a healthy sleep cycle in just weeks. #sleep #sleephealth #sleepimprovements #sleepcycle #sleephygienetips #sleephygiene #growth