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Parentification refers to a situation where a child is forced to take on adult responsibilities and caretaking roles, often because the parents are emotionally unavailable or incapable of fulfilling their parental duties. This can include taking care of younger siblings, managing household tasks, or providing emotional support to parents. The burden of these responsibilities can prevent the child from experiencing a normal childhood and can lead to a loss of personal autonomy and emotional neglect.

Enmeshment trauma occurs when there are blurred boundaries between family members, resulting in a lack of individuality and a diminished sense of self. In enmeshed families, there is often an intense emotional closeness that can stifle individual identities and personal autonomy. This can lead to emotional neglect as the focus becomes maintaining the family's emotional dynamics rather than addressing the individual needs and emotions of each family member.

For Latino/Mexican individuals, cultural factors and traditional gender roles can contribute to the prevalence of parentification and enmeshment trauma, particularly for women. In some cultures, there is an expectation placed on women to prioritize family needs above their own and to take on caregiving roles. These cultural norms can intensify the pressure on women to shoulder the responsibilities of nurturing and caretaking within the family, potentially leading to emotional neglect and a diminished sense of self.
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