59 posts
God’s timing is always on time ♥️ *I am not claiming to have struggled with infertility I know 6 months of negatives do not compare to what so many women go through! No matter how long you try seeing those negatives when you decide to have a baby absolutely suck and get harder every month. Every feeling is valid no matter the length of your journey! BUT I am not comparing myself to somebody struggling with infertility This was just our story 🫶🏻* #pregnancyjourney #pregnancy #oldpregnantlady #geratricpregnancy #pregnancydrafts #septemberbaby #pregnanttiktok #momsover35
God can turn things around so quick 🫰 it will make your head spin. There are no manifestations, no secret, it is simply trusting and surrendering it all to Christ. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible. If you seeing this and can’t see pass tomorrow, and think your desires of your heart are so far far away, let me be a testimony to you. Your life can very well look different a year from now, your dreams can come in a blink of an eye. Never lose hope, and keep your faith strong. He did it for me, he CAN and WILL do it for you ♥️ #pregnancyjourney #pregnantover35 #amapregnancy #christianwife #hope
Almost 20% of mothers will have their first child over 35, yet the term “geriatric pregnancy” and “advanced maternal age” are still actively used in the medical community. The irony is, I’m actually feeling physically stronger and more emotionally stable than when I was pregnant with my other two! If you’ve experienced a “geriatric pregnancy,” what’s the craziest thing you’ve heard? For some actual dance content, you must check out @Mufasa and @James Jones use of this audio!!! #momcontent #pregnanttiktok #latepregnancy #geriatricpregnancy
Replying to @Melissa Apodaca Other info from ACOG on pregnancy after age 35! Pregnancy with anticipated delivery at age 35 years or older be recognized as a risk factor for adverse maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes when counseling patients and determining management plans. Nuanced counseling will be dependent on specific age and comorbidities. Daily low-dose aspirin for the reduction of preeclampsia for pregnant individuals aged 35 or older in the setting of at least one other moderate risk factor. Given increased rates of multiple gestations for pregnant individuals with anticipated delivery at age 35 years or older, a first-trimester ultrasound is recommended. Prenatal genetic screening (serum screening with or without nuchal translucency ultrasonography or cell-free DNA screening) and diagnostic testing (chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis) options should be discussed and offered to all pregnant individuals regardless of age or risk of chromosomal abnormality. A detailed fetal anatomic ultrasonogram for pregnant individuals with anticipated delivery at age 35 years or older given the increased risk of aneuploidy and potential increased risk of congenital anomalies in this population is recommended. Due to increased risk of both large-for-gestational-age and small-for-gestational-age neonates, an ultrasound for growth assessment in the third trimester for pregnant individuals with anticipated delivery at age 40 years or older is recommended. Antenatal fetal surveillance for pregnant individuals with anticipated delivery at age 40 years or older given the increased risk of stillbirth should be offered. Delivery in well-dated pregnancies at 39 0/7–39 6/7 weeks of gestation for individuals with anticipated delivery at age 40 years or older due to increasing rates of neonatal morbidity and stillbirth beyond this gestational age is recommended. Vaginal delivery is safe and appropriate if there are no other maternal or fetal indications for cesarean delivery. Counseling should include a discussion of the risks of cesarean delivery, the patient’s comorbidities, and the patient’s preferences and goals. Advancing patient age alone is not an indication for cesarean delivery. #ama #advancedmaternalage #advancedmaternalagepregnancy #pregnancyover35 #pregnancyover40
Draft: First prenatal appointment coming up? Here’s what you can expect, it’s not as overwhelming as it sounds! #firstprenatalvisit #pregnancyjourney #FirstTimeMama #MomOver35 #PregnancyJourney #mamatobe #Over35Pregnancy #PrenatalCare #PregnancyTips #PregnancyOver35 #HealthyPregnancy #MomLifeBegins #FirstPrenatalVisit #PregnantAndThriving #babyonboard