1 post
Odysseus took a little lock of Telemachus' hair before he went to war. And even with all those years that passed, he couldn't stop to imagine how his little boy turned out to be.
music: my love mine all mine from mistki
#epic #epicthemusical #epicthemusicalodysseus #epicthemusicalvengeancesaga #epicfanart #odyssey #odysseu #telemachus #animation #animatic #epicanimation
music: my love mine all mine from mistki
#epic #epicthemusical #epicthemusicalodysseus #epicthemusicalvengeancesaga #epicfanart #odyssey #odysseu #telemachus #animation #animatic #epicanimation
Em todo tempo de musical eu penso na Calypso de pjo #ody #odysseus #odisseu #epicthemisical #epicthemusical #pjo #hdo #percyjackson #percyjacksonandtheolympians #percyjacksoneosolimpianos #heroisdoolimpo #calypso #calipso #percy #perseusjackson #book #fy #fyp #fypppp #fypppopooo #leovaldez #theatre #musicaltheatre #greekgods #greek #halfblood #meuosangue #acting #atuacao #atuação #pov #inspired