
1 post

Replying to @ryanlittlebeard Now with less boot! @Nur-D Available for tours & recording🥁 Sample pack out now💖 #duet #drummer #drums #musician #guitar #bass #therookie #nathanfillion

Yall see my Sun?! He’s going to be my concert buddy forever! He has SPD so loud noise aint his thing but he loves music! & is a big Nur-D fan! S/O Thesis for offering ear plugs & Huge S/O to @Nur-D for not only being hella talented but also for being down to earth and making music my nerdy 12 yr old (& myself) can jam to! You easily have become one of our favorite artists in the last couple years. Thank you & much love!! #NurD #Concerts #mnmusic #MN #thesisbeerproject #FYP #spd #rochestermn #minnesota #concertcheck #concerttok #Rockout

GÖRENLERDEN BİR KALP RİCAMDIR❤️ ———————————————- GÜLÜN FIRINDA PATATESLİ BÖREĞİ🥯 •Hamuru için 400 gr un 4 yemek kaşığı zeytinyağı 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz 3 su bardağı soğuk su •İç harcı için 1 adet rendelenmiş kuru soğan 4 adet orta boy patates 1 çay kaşığı kırmızı toz biber 1 çay kaşığı tuz •Üzeri için 1 adet yumurtanın sarısı 1 yemek kaşığı süt •Yapılışı Su,tuz ve zeytinyağı geniş bir kaba alınır un kontrollü bir şekilde eklenerek özlü bir hamur yoğrulur ardından haşlanan patatesler kavrulmuş soğana rendelenip ilave edilir, tuz ve toz biber eklenerek karıştırılır ardından dinlenen hamur 4 eş parçaya bölünür 5.hamur biraz büyük tutularak hazırlanır tabak büyüklüğünde açılarak katlarına tereyağı sürülerek üst üste dizilir 10 dk dinlendirilir ardından hamur gelişigüzel açılır ortasına patatesli harçtan yayılır silindir halinde rulo yapılır hamur bitene kadar bütün işlem tekrarlanır açılan son hamurun ortasına videoda olduğu gibi hazırlanan hamurlar dizilir alttaki hamur yanlardan üzerine kapatılır fırın tepsisine hafifçe yayılarak bastırılır üzeri kapalı bir şekilde tepside dinlendikten sonra süt ve yumurta sürülür 180°C'de ağır ağır pişirilir piştikten sonra böreğin yumuşak olması için bezle kapatılır ılındıktan sonra afiyetle yenilir. ENGLISH👇🏻 ROSE BAKED POTATO PASTRY🥯 •For the dough 400 g flour 4 tablespoons of olive oil 1 teaspoon of salt 3 cups cold water •For the filling 1 grated onion 4 medium sized potatoes 1 teaspoon of red pepper powder 1 teaspoon of salt •For topping 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon of milk •Preparation Water, salt and olive oil are taken into a large bowl, flour is added in a controlled manner and a dough is kneaded. Then the boiled potatoes are grated and added to the roasted onions, salt and ground pepper are added and mixed. Then the rested dough is divided into 4 equal parts. The 5th dough is prepared by keeping it a little larger and rolling it out to the size of a plate. Butter is applied to the layers and they are placed on top of each other, let it rest for 10 minutes, then the dough is randomly rolled out, potato mixture is spread in the middle, it is rolled into a cylinder, the whole process is repeated until the dough is finished. Prepared dough is placed in the middle of the last rolled out dough as in the video. The dough at the bottom is covered from the sides. It is spread lightly on the baking tray and pressed. After resting on the tray covered, milk and egg are applied. It is slowly baked at 180°C. After it is cooked, it is covered with a cloth to make the pastry soft. Enjoy it after it has cooled down. is defeated. #cook #kitchen #cookwithme #pastry #cookingvideo #delicious #foodlover #discover #viral_video #viralvideos

Replying to @🧌 I’m glad to see @Dimension 20 is getting down with the lingo 😘 My song “20 Cha” is availble for you guys, gals, and non binary pals right now 🧚‍♂️ Also you can check out this version of the song that I did with members of @Minnesota Orchestra 🎻🎻🎻 #20cha #cha #dimension20 #nerdmusic #nerdcore #hiphop #blacknerd #ttrpgtok #ttrpg #dnd #nurd

Tag 8/30 Dattel - Schokobrownie Bars (engl. 👇) Heute diese super einfachen Dattel-Schokobrownie Bars für euch. Ihr braucht nur wenige Zutaten und auch ideal für alle, die eine Nussallergie haben. Speichert euch das Rezept und probiert es gleich mal aus! 🤍

Ihr braucht: 300 g Datteln oder Dattelpaste 180 ml Tahin (oder Nussmus nach Wahl) 5 EL Rohkakaopulver 1 TL Vanillepulver 5 EL Wasser Prise Salz Dunkle Schokolade + Kokosöl Topping: Kakaonibs Einfach alle eure Zutaten mit einem Hochleistungsmixer, euren Händen oder mit einem Food Processor vermengen und in eine kleine Form festdrücken. Schokolade mit Kokosöl schmelzen und darauf verteilen. Mit Kakaonibs toppen und für mind. 30 Minuten im Gefrierfach festwerden lassen. Aufschneiden und genießen! 🥰 ————————— Day 8/30 Date - Chocolate Brownies Today I have these super easy date chocolate brownie bars for you. You only need a few ingredients. Save the recipe and try it out now! 🤍 You need: 300 g dates or date paste 180 ml tahini (or nut butter of your choice) 5 tbsp raw cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla powder 5 tbsp water pinch of salt Dark chocolate + coconut oil Topping: cocoa nibs Simply mix all your ingredients with a high-speed blender, your hands or a food processor and press into a small shape. Melt chocolate with coconut oil and spread on top. Top with cocoa nibs and leave to solidify in the freezer for at least 30 minutes. Slice and enjoy! #tiktokfood #foodie #healthy #tiktokrecipe #snacks #30tagechallenge

Tag 28/30 Dattel - Schokobrownie Bars (engl. 👇) Heute diese super einfachen Dattel-Schokobrownie Bars für euch. Ihr braucht nur wenige Zutaten und auch ideal für alle, die eine Nussallergie haben. Speichert euch das Rezept und probiert es gleich mal aus! 🤍

Ihr braucht: 300 g Datteln oder Dattelpaste 180 ml Tahin (oder Nussmus nach Wahl) 5 EL Rohkakaopulver 1 TL Vanillepulver 5 EL Wasser Prise Salz Dunkle Schokolade + Kokosöl Topping: Kakaonibs Einfach alle eure Zutaten mit einem Hochleistungsmixer, euren Händen oder mit einem Food Processor vermengen und in eine kleine Form festdrücken. Schokolade mit Kokosöl schmelzen und darauf verteilen. Mit Kakaonibs toppen und für mind. 30 Minuten im Gefrierfach festwerden lassen. Aufschneiden und genießen! 🥰 ————————— Day 28/30 Date - Chocolate Brownies Today I have these super easy date chocolate brownie bars for you. You only need a few ingredients. Save the recipe and try it out now! 🤍 You need: 300 g dates or date paste 180 ml tahini (or nut butter of your choice) 5 tbsp raw cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla powder 5 tbsp water pinch of salt Dark chocolate + coconut oil Topping: cocoa nibs Simply mix all your ingredients with a high-speed blender, your hands or a food processor and press into a small shape. Melt chocolate with coconut oil and spread on top. Top with cocoa nibs and leave to solidify in the freezer for at least 30 minutes. Slice and enjoy! #fyp #foodtok #foodie #cooking #recipes #viral #foodlover

Prêt(e) à faire la rencontre de ton Qu’ran ? ✨💌 Nur Journal, ton journal de lumière est un outil pratique, simple et esthétique que j’ai conçue durant l’année qui vient de s’écouler depuis le dernier Ramadan avec patience et passion. ⌛️⏱ 🤍 Son cœur est l’essai de compréhension du Qu’ran sourate par sourate, aya apres aya par lesquelles tu seras amené à découvrir des Noms et Attributs d’Allah, de sublimes invocations, des histoires merveilleuses des prophètes et des milliers de trésors. 👇🏼 Grâce à ses différents onglets, tu auras le loisir de creuser encore et encore chaque sujet passionnant que tu découvriras avec une lecture toujours claire de tes notes pour les relire et apprendre plus facilement. 💌 L’achat du Nur Journal te donne accès : - Au Nur Journal ainsi qu’à ses mises à jours futures - Au modèle Canva à modifier, dupliquer, compléter comme tu l’entend - Au Drive You need sabr où tu trouveras un PDF complet du Nur journal ainsi que chaque section reparties dans des dossiers, toutes les pages y sont enregistrées en PNG, plus facile pour dupliquer, enregistrer, imprimer ☺️ - Aux outils suggérés pour créer ton journal - Aux sources que j’utilise pour le Qu’ran journaling et plus Je demande à Allah par Ses plus beaux Noms de t’accorder des moments de joie, de paix et de découverte passionnante à propos de ta religion et de ton Qu’ran à travers ce journal. ✨ C O N T E N U : - 14 fiches explicatives - 8 intercalaires : Les bases de la foi, Mes suivis, Qu'ran journaling, Qu'ran etymology, Notions expliquées, 99 Noms, Dhikr & Du'a, Les histoires des Prophètes - Pour chaque section : des fiches exemples remplies pour s'inspirer, l'explication du fonctionnement des fiches et les fiches vierges à remplir (par exemple pour la partie Qu'ran journaling tu retrouveras une fiche remplie avec le début du journaling d'une sourate puis tu trouveras 114 pages avec le nom de chaque sourate dans le même design que l'exemple mais cette fois-ci à remplir toi-même), des check-lists pour suivre ton avancement et de beaux designs - 1 marque-page alphabet - Mini-onglets à imprimer - Suivi des adorations quotidiennes : fiches hebdomadaires, prières obligatoires et surérogatoires, jeune du Ramadan, jeune des lundi/jeudi et des jours blancs. Calendrier hégirien/grégorien intégré pour 6 mois (mise à jour tous les 6 mois) + les grandes dates à ne pas louper Alors, prêt(e) pour passer un Ramadan proche de ton Qu’ran ? 😍⌛️ #coranjournaling #carnetislam #miniclasseurislam #islam #ramadan2024 #nurjournal

Replying to @Chris Stanley I have got a lot to check out!! 9 full length projects A ton of singles And a bunch of music videos & lyric videos too!! I am just a chubby black geek who wanted to do music my own way 🤓🤘🏾 Type “Nur-D” in wherever you get your music and you can find ya boy 💪🏾 #hiphop #blacknerd #nerdcore #nurd #rap #bars #theman #newartist #upandcomingartist #fyp

Allow me to once again introduce myself 🤘🏾 My name is Nur-D your 7th Favorite Emmy Nominated Hip Hop Person 🤓 I have had a MASSIVE amount of people find me & my music for the first time recently and that is so incredible! I have been doing music my own way since 2018 from my home state of #minnesota 🥶 Since stepping up to a random open mic challenge as a joke I have been able to radically transform my life thanks to the support of all the beautiful people in the #nurdclub 🤘🏾❤️‍🔥 I rap about falling in love with your friends, Pro-wrestling, police brutality, loving your body, video games, the power of community, and whatever anime I am currently obessed with. I have been able to take my mess of a mind and turn it into art all over the world 🌎 I have 9 full length projects and a whole bunch of singles so there is something out there for you I just know it 💪🏾 Look up “Nur-D” wherever you get your stuff and let me know if you found something that speaks to you! 🎼”Intermission 3” by me #indiemusic #indieartist #nurd #upandcomingartist #artistsoftiktok #hiphop #blackmusic #nerd #storytelling #newartist #

Powered by #Nuro ’s autonomous driving #tech , the R3 will begin delivering snacks, packages, and pizzas to hungry customers later this year. #autonomousdriving #nuror3 #nvidia #gtc #gtc2024 #robot #autonomousvehicle #delivery #deliverycar #techtok #robocar