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My top 5 back exercises for maximum back growth. These are the exercises used to build my back. These exercises are listed no order from the best to worst. Read below for major tips on each movement. 🔑The program that built my back is in bio. 1. Overhand Grip Chest Supported T-Bar Row: Get a good deep stretch at the bottom of each rep!! Control on the way down using a 3-4 second rep cadence. 2. Straight Bar Pulldown: This movement will place more focus on the upper back because the elbows are flared out away from the body. Yes some lat will be trained but more upper back/ trap will be trained here. Control on the way up aka the eccentric with a 3-4 second count and get a good stretch at the top of each rep. 3. Single Arm Cable (lat focus row): Here on this row I want you to focus on pulling the elbow down towards the hip while keeping the elbow/biceps tucked tight to your body throughout the whole rep. Use a 1-2 second pause at the peak contraction. Then use a 3-4 second on the eccentric which will be when you pull towards the cable stack after holding that peak contraction. With all single arm movements train your weak side first rest as long as you need to then match reps on your strong side. 4.Romain Deadlift (RDLS) : The RDL is not a lat or upper back movement but it will do a great job training your whole posterior chain making your back look denser/bigger . It’s a great back for your buck movement because it provides a lot of stimulus to multiple muscle group spinal erectors, glutes traps, hamstrings etc. At the top of the rep before starting your first rep keep your scapulas and shoulder blades pinched at the top of the rep while keeping your chest up and chin tucked. Control the eccentric which is on the way down with a 3-4 second count. 5. Single Arm Pulldown Of Choice: Pull your elbow down towards your hip here again while keeping the elbow tucked tight to the body this is the elbow path we want to use to bias and train the lats. Slightly lean over to the side you’re pulling to so that you’re lined up with the line of pull. #latworkout #fitnessmotivation #bodybuilding #backworkout