Your law enforcement marriage is not doomed, friends. 1. It is an absolute myth that law enforcement marriages have a high divorce rate and I will scream it til the cows come home. Research does NOT support this and depending on the specialty within law enforcement, many policing jobs have a LOWER than national rate of divorce. So please stop believing this. 2. If you and your spouse are constantly around people who do not value marriage and their spouses then it may be time to reevaluate those friendships. Additionally, don't consume information from accounts and people online that continually talk about myths within law enforcement or negatively about marriage. 3. And lastly, have a life outside of law enforcement. I know this career choice has an impact on you, your family and your relationship. But have friends outside of law enforcement, take time off work, put your phones away, have boundaries for the job so it doesn't bleed into your life even more. It can be done. We do it and I know so many other police families that do, too. You can do this! It takes work, but your marriage is worth it. ❤️ Thank you to @ajoyfulmilspouse on IG for the inspo for this reel. #marriage #lawenforcement #lawenforcementfamily #lawenforcementmarriage #policewife #leow #policewifelife #policeofficers #leowife #copswife