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There is a lot to be said about this subject and it’s such a complicated and upsetting phenomenon. I hardly tapped the tip of the iceberg. Please know if you’re hateful in my comments or not promoting productive conversation: catch this BLOCK. Also a huge shoutout to any man who reads this book #laurabates #feministbooks #bookreview
A 4⭐️ read. Bates tackled an extremely challenging topic. Her structured approach made it possible to follow the unfathomable fear and hatred. I suppose the most surprising part was that none of this surprised me. You can’t really be a woman online today without being familiar with at least some of this. But Bates had this constant refrain that people don’t know the scale of the issue, which imo is erroneous. It would require a willful determination to ignore reality in order to be unaware of this. I appreciate her depth of exploration, but hoped for some more proposals of solutions.
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#booktok #willowbiblio #bookish #fyp #readingjournal #bookjournal #bookreviews #readingjournalspread #bookjournalling #archerandolive #bookrating #laurabates #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks
Though it doesn't count for all men obviously.. i think everyone know at least one. Sounds so interesting and i am excited to see what its all about! Even bigger than i expected and very sturdy for a softcover! #menwhohatewomen #laurabates #books #booktok #readersoftiktok #readersofbooktok #goodquality #sourcebooks
All right, we’re gonna give a virtual book club a shot. We are starting with the first book is called men who hate women by Laura Bates. I’ll do a review of each chapter on medium.com as long as we’re having a good time and then we can discuss what you agreed with and what you didn’t. ##VirtualBookClub ##BookClub ##Books ##AuthorLauraBates ##MenWhoHateWomen ##YouDon tHave toAgreeWithEverythingSheWrites