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18 posts

Happy Saturday !! “Saturday: Embrace the Weekend Vibes!" Some fashion quotes: “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak”. “Elegance is good taste, plus a dash of daring”. Phulkari Meri reshmi Rang Na Aiya Teek Chheti darshan devne Main Rasta rahi Udeek Khurbura Sa Tha Rumaal Dil Ka Tumne Use Resham Sa Banaya Kaarigari Thi Usme Saadi Si Tumne Hi Tho Phulkari Ka Rang Sajaya (www) Saree for tonight is a beige coloured Chiffon Phulkari saree, a machine-embroidered one. Phul means flower and Kari means work - floral work. Phulkari is the folk embroidery from Punjab meaning floral work. Phulkari need not only be floral embroidery, but also include geometrical shapes and motifs. The embroidery uses a kind of darn stitch on the wrong side of coarse cotton cloth with coloured silken thread. There are different varieties of stitches and designs viz., Kehal, Chope, Tilpatr, Neelak and Bagh. To date, Phulkari continues to be an integral part of Punjabi weddings. This embroidery is done on wedding mandap columns, stoles, shawls, kurtis, chunris and Odinis. Phulkari is related to the life of a Punjabi girl and a symbol of happiness and prosperity and “suhag” of a married woman. It has its origins in the famous love story of Heer and Ranjha. The thread colours also signify life’s rhythm. Usually one motif is left unembroidered and known as “nazarbuti” to ward off the evil eye. A pink square indicative of a joyous occasion; red is the base colour for brides; maroons and browns are worn by mothers; an indigo base signifies the person wearing is an adult and is meant for non-auspicious occasions; dark blue denotes death in the family and white base is for embroidery used for wraps meant for an elderly woman. Phulkari embroidery is practiced both in India - mainly in Punjab and Haryana; and Pakistan. It is exquisite and labour-intensive work. During colonial rule, Phulkaris was an integral part of gift basket known as “dali” which were presented to the British and other high officials during festive season like Christmas and also as a gratification gesture. Had to attend two functions- a lunch get together and a photo shoot in the gardens of Parramatta Park with beautiful spring flowers of Cherry Blossoms, wisterias and others. A few photoes and videos below. #thesareegallery #sydneysareelover #sydneysareegallery #phulkari #phulkarisaree

Keikkavastaavamme on käärinyt hihansa ja buukannut keikkakalenterin lähes täyteen syksylle asti! Keikkakyselyitä on tullut paljon, kiitos siitä! Keikkakalenteri julkaistaan kokonaisuudessaan lähiviikkoina, kun saadaan loputkin päivämäärät sovittua, mutta tässä muutamia poimintoja mitä tuleman pitää: La 1.3. RUPU Rupu on Lapualainen laulaja-lauluntekijä. Hänen laulujensa tarkoitus on tarjota kuulijalle paikka, jossa hetkeksi hellittää omasta taakasta ja pysähtyä kuuntelemaan ja samaistumaan tarinaan. Lupaava artisti on noussut isosti esille mm. Tiktokissa. Rupun tuotantoa löydät kaikista suoratoisto alustoilta esim. Spotify, YouTube jne. Kannattaa ottaa kuunteluun mm. ’Kaunis katastrofi (Emily)’, ’Cicapu’ ja ’Väinämöinen ja keijuystävä’. @rupuofficial La 15.3. JOHANNA PAKONEN & JUSSI JAAKO (Liput 10€) Johanna Pakonen tunnetaan mm. vuoden 2002 tangokuningattarena. Upeaääninen kaunotar keikkailee aktiivisesti niin maailmalla kuin kotimaassakin, niin duona kuin bändinsä kanssa. Rumblessa häntä säestää pitkänlinjan Oululainen muusikko Jussi Jaako. Luvassa henkeäsalpaavia tulkintoja niin artistin omasta tuotannosta kuin myös covereina. Liput keikalle 10€. @johannajajussi @jussijaako @johannapakonenofficial La 3.5. DILEMMA (Liput 15€) Räp/Pop-artisti Dilemma on tehnyt jo pitkään määrätietoista työtä Suomen kärkiartistien joukkoon! Dilemma oli yksi vuoden 2024 komeetoista ja yksi kuunnelluimpia suomalaisartisteja Spotifyssa! Dilemma nähdään monilla festarilavoilla kesällä 2025, mutta myös Rumblessa la 3.5.! Liput keikalle 15€ @yonasdilemma Pe 11.7. LORD EST (Liput 15€) Lord Est on kuulunut genrensä kärkinimiin jo yli 20 vuotta! Lord Estin musiikki on saanut vaikutteita pääosin karibialaisesta dancehallista, reggaestä ja socasta. Lord Estin tunnetuimpia kappaleita ovat mm. Phjolan Äijä, Reggaerekka, Hellä ori ja Petri Nygårdin kanssa tekemä Selvä Päivä. Silloin kun Lord Est on lavalla, niin silloin on bileet! @lordestofficial Näiden keikkojen lisäksi on luvassa vielä paljon muuta, ihan kaikille! STAY TUNED! 🔥 Tervetuloa viihtymään! ❤️ #pubrumble #ii #iissäonideaa #rupu #johannapakonen #jussijaako #dilemma #lordest

#karuvandukannukari 😍😍😍😍😍

Happy Saturday !! “Saturday: Embrace the Weekend Vibes!" Some fashion quotes: “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak”. “Elegance is good taste, plus a dash of daring”. Phulkari Meri reshmi Rang Na Aiya Teek Chheti darshan devne Main Rasta rahi Udeek Khurbura Sa Tha Rumaal Dil Ka Tumne Use Resham Sa Banaya Kaarigari Thi Usme Saadi Si Tumne Hi Tho Phulkari Ka Rang Sajaya (www) Saree for tonight is a beige coloured Chiffon Phulkari saree, a machine-embroidered one. Phul means flower and Kari means work - floral work. Phulkari is the folk embroidery from Punjab meaning floral work. Phulkari need not only be floral embroidery, but also include geometrical shapes and motifs. The embroidery uses a kind of darn stitch on the wrong side of coarse cotton cloth with coloured silken thread. There are different varieties of stitches and designs viz., Kehal, Chope, Tilpatr, Neelak and Bagh. To date, Phulkari continues to be an integral part of Punjabi weddings. This embroidery is done on wedding mandap columns, stoles, shawls, kurtis, chunris and Odinis. Phulkari is related to the life of a Punjabi girl and a symbol of happiness and prosperity and “suhag” of a married woman. It has its origins in the famous love story of Heer and Ranjha. The thread colours also signify life’s rhythm. Usually one motif is left unembroidered and known as “nazarbuti” to ward off the evil eye. A pink square indicative of a joyous occasion; red is the base colour for brides; maroons and browns are worn by mothers; an indigo base signifies the person wearing is an adult and is meant for non-auspicious occasions; dark blue denotes death in the family and white base is for embroidery used for wraps meant for an elderly woman. Phulkari embroidery is practiced both in India - mainly in Punjab and Haryana; and Pakistan. It is exquisite and labour-intensive work. During colonial rule, Phulkaris was an integral part of gift basket known as “dali” which were presented to the British and other high officials during festive season like Christmas and also as a gratification gesture. Had to attend two functions- a lunch get together and a photo shoot in the gardens of Parramatta Park with beautiful spring flowers of Cherry Blossoms, wisterias and others. A few photoes and videos below. #thesareegallery #sydneysareelover #sydneysareegallery #phulkari #phulkarisaree