9530 posts
Im not sure anymore 😭 i think i will regret some of them later- #gunsnroses #gnr #gunsnroses🌹🔫 #guns #n #rose #axlrose #axl #slash #saulhudson #duffmckagan #duff #steven #stevenadler #gilbyclarke #mattsorum #paradisecity #sweetchildofmine #appetite #for #destruction #appetitefordestruction #fyp #foryouu #ranking #album #fyy #foryoupagee #virallll #viralllllll #viraltok #yourcrazy #idkwhattohashtag #rock
When i first discovered Guns N’ Roses and heard ‘Appetite For Destruction’, i was 16 years old and genuinely thought that these guys would without question become the biggest rock band in the world. They ticked every single box for me and my rock friends! 😎 Sadly, in my opinion, everything else they released after their iconic and amazing debut album was just weak in comparison 🫤 This being said, purely for nostalgia reasons, i went to see GnR again a few years ago. They were sadly so very different to the first time i saw them live in 1988. No more rawness, no more danger;- they were just way too polished and slick for me. And as for Axl’s voice … we all know that story! 😕 Fast forward to 2024 and i was thrilled to receive THIS video clip from my best friend in America who had just been to see the original GnR drummer, Steven Adler, in concert with his band. I was amazed at how good they sounded! I would definitely pay to see them 🔥
#stevenadler #gunsnrose #gunsandroses #americanrock #gunsandrosesfan #80srock #youcouldbemine #terminator #terminator2judgementday #arnoldschwarzenneger #film #1991song #90srock #90shits #useyourillusion2 #hardrock #rockdrummer #izzystradlin #axlrose #slash #duffmckagan #heavymetal #glamrockband #80sglamrock #90smusic #appetitefordestruction #1987 #sweetchildofmine #punkrock #paradisecity #livemusic #live
#stevenadler #gunsnrose #gunsandroses #americanrock #gunsandrosesfan #80srock #youcouldbemine #terminator #terminator2judgementday #arnoldschwarzenneger #film #1991song #90srock #90shits #useyourillusion2 #hardrock #rockdrummer #izzystradlin #axlrose #slash #duffmckagan #heavymetal #glamrockband #80sglamrock #90smusic #appetitefordestruction #1987 #sweetchildofmine #punkrock #paradisecity #livemusic #live