Tall, dark and handsome, in a white robe and on a horseback, he would be a total teetotaler, he must have such voice that shames the nightingale, With eyes as bright as the sun rays. Every hole was blocked, all entrances led no where, Her heart was an ungrazed field, She had shut her womanly appetite and had thrown away the lock. But then, he came within a twinkle of an eye like dawn at SUBH with bright eyes that shone like the sun at ZUHR his voice was soothing like the breeze at ASR he lowered his gaze like the sun at MAGHRIB he had told father he would love to be her Mahram from muharram to Dhul Hijjah, hence forth Oh! did i mention that his fore head was as dark as the sky at ISHAI ..before she slept that night, she whispered into father’s ears ‘I have found the NA’AT to my MAN’UT. 😍😍😍🌸🌸🌸💗💗💗🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😌😌😌☺️☺️☺️😁😁😁 May Almighty ALLAAH make yours amongst the very best sis, Aameen. BaarokALLOHU lakuma wabaroka’alaykuma wajam’a baynakumaa fil Khayr 🤲 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full Bridal spa treats by : @the_kae_brand Bridal henna by you already know 😉 by : @the_kae_brand Poetry by : @the_kae_brand #hennainlagos #hennainegbeda #hennainlagosmainland #hennainlagos #hennainegbeda #hennainmagodo #hennaclosetome #hennaingowonestate #loveiscute #wifespadate #Halaallove #egretgirls24 #pedicureinegbeda #pedicureingowonestate #pedicurenearme #facialsinegbeda #facialsingowon #elhvisibilitychallenge #manicureinegbeda #manicureingowon #femaleonlyspa #femaleonlyspainegbeda #femaleonlygyminegbeda #muslimahspainlagos #femaleonlyspaingowon #femaleonlygym #gyminlagos #gyminegbeda #gymingowon #halalsaloninegbeda #halalsaloningowon #halalsaloninlagos