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At least we have Allah ﷻ and don’t need to worry and waste time on friends who aren’t worth it. May Allah ﷻ bless us with healthy friendships, Ameen. 🤍 | Also follow me on IG: deenity.co !! I’m planning on uploading more consistently there! JazakAllah Khair. 🌙 #islam #muslim #deen #islamicquotes #deenity
قلبك لطيف ❤️ #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Muslim #IslamicReminders #Dua #Allah #ProphetMuhammad #IslamicQuotes #Pray #Alhamdulillah #SubhanAllah #MashAllah #IslamicMotivation #FridayBlessings #Ramadan #Hijab #Sunnah #IslamicWisdom #Faith #Europe #EuropeanCountries #TravelEurope #DiscoverEurope #BeautifulEurope #EuroTrip #BackpackingEurope #France #Paris #EiffelTower #FrenchRiviera #Germany #Berlin #Munich #GermanCulture #Italy #Rome #Venice #Milan #ItalianFood #Spain #Madrid #Barcelona #SpanishVibes #UK #London #BritishCulture #BigBen #Netherlands #Amsterdam #DutchLife #Switzerland #Alps #Zurich #SwissLife #Sweden #Stockholm #ScandinavianLife #Norway #Oslo #NorthernLights #Greece #Santorini #GreekIslands
📖 Who Is Your Lord? This is a question we will all be asked one day. 🌙 Reflect deeply—are you living in a way that answers this question with sincerity and conviction? Remember, Allah is our Creator, our Sustainer, and the One we will return to. #IslamicReminder #WhoIsYourLord #Faith #IslamicMotivation #DeenOverDunya #AllahIsOne #QuranAndSunnah #IslamicTeachings #Muslim #Islam #Hadith #JannahGoals #IslamicQuotes #MuslimUmmah
Repost Request 🤌🏻 . . Last Friday of Ramzan Ramzan Mubarak ❤️🌙 #RamzanMubarak2025 JummaMubarak #jummamubarak #jummahmubarak #jumma #jummamubarakstatus #newstatus #Allah #alhumdulillah #beshak #muhammadajmalrazaqadri #islamicvideo #islamicstatus #islamicquotes #islamicvideostatus #foryoupage #foryou #fikr_o_akhrat #1millionaudition #jhelumcrew @TiktokPakistanOfficial #ramzan2025
No matter how much you have sinned know that you have a Rab that LOVE to forgive you. No matter what it is, no matter how much it is, His door is always open if you are alive. Take this as a sign to repent #zxybca #islamicreminder #reminder #dua #الله #muslimtiktok #islamicquotes #islamic_video #muslim #islamicmotivation #fyp #fyppp #islamicvideo
THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT TAWAKKUL MEANS - IT MEANS THAT I DON’T SEE THE SOLUTION - I DON’T KNOW WHAT GONNA HAPPEN TOMORROW BUT I DO KNOW ONE THING FOR SURE AND IS - {Sura-Shu’ara-26:62}INDEED MY LORD IS WITH ME AND HE WILL GUIDE THROUGH. islamic deep lines in english islamic positive mindset motivation daily islamic self reminder Deep islamic quotes islamic inspirational quotes beautiful islamic quotes Keep Going Motivation islamic quotes motivation #creatorsearchinsights #islamicmotivation #islammotivation #islamic #islamicquote #islamiccontent #islamicreminder #islamicstatus #tawakkul #tawakkulinallah #islamicthoughts #islamiclectures #islamicquotes #allah #muslim #trustinallah #loveforallah #motivationalspeech #motivationalmessage #motivationalspeaker
Remember this world is not worth a single tear. (Imam Ali RA) Tawakkul is relying on Allah after you’ve made the effort and played your part. Let Allah do the rest and watch with patience how the seed you plant blossoms into reward إن شاء الله. Trust Allah. #islam #muslim #deen #quotes #allah #dua #tawakkul #masjid #quran #islamicquotes #therapy #prophet #fürdich #keşfet #pourtoi #fyp #sin #loneliness #dunya #righteousness #dubai
Repost Request 🤌🏻 . . Last Friday of Ramzan Ramzan Mubarak ❤️🌙 #RamzanMubarak2025 JummaMubarak #jummamubarak #jummahmubarak #jumma #jummamubarakstatus #newstatus #Allah #alhumdulillah #beshak #muhammadajmalrazaqadri #islamicvideo #islamicstatus #islamicquotes #islamicvideostatus #foryoupage #foryou #fikr_o_akhrat #1millionaudition #jhelumcrew @TiktokPakistanOfficial #ramzan2025