Replying to @user6001794101817 i urge everyone to listen to ALL adoptees and birth moms and try to understand why safe haven baby boxes are a bandaid and the issues with them #safehavenbabyboxes #reproductiverights #babyboxes #monicakelsey #fyp #parenting #pregnancy #prolife
original sound - Melissa, Adoption Educator
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Replying to @Lori Conn #adoptioneducation #adoptionjourney #hopingtoadopt
·2024-10-12Replying to @xAyedrix private infant adoption is a multi billion dollar business that parents can now profit off of via Content creation as soon as the babies in their hands and sometimes before #adoptionstory #adoptioninfluencers #foryou #contentcreator #momtok #momfluencers #adoptioneducation
·2024-10-7Replying to @🇨🇦🇵🇸Jadyn Sage 🏳🌈🏳️⚧️ thank you for listening to adoptees like me! And thank you @Laura High for elevating our voices 💜💜💜 #adoptioninfluencers #adoptioneducation #familyvlogging #bringchanelhome #indianchildwelfareact #fyp #adopteesoftiktok @Wonderskin Beauty 360 contour lip liner
·2024-10-15March is a roughhhhh month with my birthday on the 3rd and then my eldest son’s on the 9th. It always seems to creep up like this… #adoption #adopteesoftiktok #birthdaymonth #actuallyautistic
·18h ago Some adoptee thoughts on my birthday about some #cutewinterboots #greenscreen Feel free to v3nm0 me @ guidarichards so I can get a coffee from our local fav spot ☕️
·1w ago HB 807 in Missouri. In furtherance of the Missouri adoptive resources services system, the division shall: (1) Maintain a central registry of each expectant mother who is at risk for seeking an ab0rtion of her unborn child and make the same available to a prospective adoptive parent who has completed screenings as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection; (2) Maintain a central registry of a prospective adoptive parent who has successfully completed screenings, background checks, home studies, and other investigations determining the parent to be fit and proper to adopt a child in Missouri and make the same available to such an expectant mother who has been identified as being at risk for seeking an ab0rtion of her unborn child; (3) Maintain mechanisms as are necessary to facilitate the introduction and mutual agreements of an expectant mother at risk for seeking an ab0rtion of her unborn child and a fit and proper prospective adoptive parent; #winterboots #parentsoftiktok
·2-20Replying to @Superceelow Eastwood my mom and I have done a lot of work. It takes time to unlearn bias and autonomy after being raised to let men lead and do whatever they want. Intergenerational trauma is very difficult to heal but she has worked hard. #parenting #healing #trauma #antiracism
·2-18Adoptive Parents DENY 12yo heart transplant because of religious beliefs. #grwmadoptionchat #internationaladoption #rileygaines #adopteesoftiktok #medicalneglect #fyp #hearttransplant
·2-12Replying to @Winston's Mom so many thoughts about this case featured on An Update on Our Family #momfluencer #adoptioninfluencers #fyp #momlife
·2-10🚨 What happens when family vlogging turns adoptees into content? When does sharing an adoption story cross the line into exploitation? 🤔🎥 As seen in "An Update on Our Family" on @streamonmax, Hannah Cho, sits down with me to discuss the scanda of Myka Stauffer’s infamous “rehoming” l and the deep impact its had on the adoption community. Hannah is Transnational Korean adoptee & beauty entrepreneur and in this podcast episode we unpack adoption vlogging, influencer culture, and the commodification of adoptee narratives. 🎧 Full episode out now! @hannahchobeauty #adoptioninfluencers #mykastauffer #anupdateonourfamily #bellalambert #familyvloggers #momfluencer #fyp #hbomaxshow #adopteesoftiktok