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The Circle NGO

1 videos

International Women's Day #Unpacked !Over 100 years ago, the demand for decent wages, and safe working conditions in New York garment factories that helped inspire the first celebrations of what we now know as International Women’s Day.

As we join together this week to mark #IWD2023 , The Circle is going back to these roots, focusing on the treatment of the 80 million garment workers around the world, 80 per cent of them women,  still working for poverty pay, in deathtrap factories, suffering intimidation and abuse if they dare to stand up for themselves.

#endgenderbasedviolence #endviolenceagainstwomen #feminism #feminist #empowerment #garmentworkers #activism #activist #globalfeminism #globalfeminist #tiktok #fyp #IWD2023 #education #educational #tiktokunpacked