These are my top 3 favorite squash varieties to grow. Each one is unique, produces a ton of food, and thrives in my challenging Florida garden. 1. Tromboncino Rampicante - this produces loads of baseball bat sized squash that can be used as a summer squash like zucchini when picked young, or harvest once the rind is tan like butternut squash to store away for 3 months. 2. Seminole Pumpkin - Native to the United States, this pumpkin/squash is part of the Cucurbita Moschata family which has a very high pest resistance. Perfect for those of us that struggle with squash bugs or squash vine borers. It produces loads of personal sized pumpkins that can last 1 year if stored properly. 3. Cocozelle - A beautiful Italian heirloom zucchini with glossy dark green skin with white stripes. Find seeds for all of these cultivars on my website. #homegrown #gardens #greenthumb #gardenlife #centralfloridagardening #gardentok #gardeningtips #zone8 #zone9 #southerngarden #urbanfarm #homestead #vegetablegarden #zucchini #cocozelle #seminolepumpkin #tromboncinorampicante #squash