Dating sure has changed a lot since the 1890s! Below are just some of the rules for courting in the 1890s: Don’t walk into the house unannounced or uninvited Do present your calling card when calling on a young lady at home Before any form of courting can occur, a formal introduction must happen between both parties and both parties must be knowledgeable of each other through public interactions. If the gentleman is not as well known, he must present himself with calling card to the lady of the house and express his intentions before calling on the young lady that resides there. If the gentleman is known, he may come calling with card and call on the young lady expressly without first calling on the lady of the house. Don’t try to visit alone in the front parlor Do ensure there is a chaperone present Unless the couple is engaged, then they may spend time without a chaperone as the suitor serves as the official escort. However, these unchaperoned calls in the parlor are often limited to thirty minutes or so depending on the situation. Don’t buy and give big, expensive presents while courting. Do give something small or inexpensive such as flowers, chocolates, or sheet music. Items that are perishable are preferred. If you are engaged; presents such jewelry, fans, or books are acceptable as well. #history #historytime #historybuff #dating #valentinesday