think! Keto Protein Bar: Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie. 180 Calories. 10 grams of Protein. 4 grams net Carbs. I love these bars! They are a great alternative to Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Calorie wise it’s not much better. However it has a lot less sugar! That being said it taste great! The texture is similar to a Reese’s, but the chocolate doesn’t have as much of a bite. The peanut butter filling is a bit lighter than a Reese’s, and has some crunchy bits in it. It won’t fill you up to much, but it will satisfy a craving. The protein to calorie ratio is not good on this bar. However that is very typical in Keto bars. This is usually because the protein is not the main priority of the bar. Personally I love this bar as a healthier alternative to a chocolate bar. If you’re doing a keto diet or love peanut butter cups I highly recommend you try this bar! If you just care about the protein to calorie ratio, this is not the bar for you. @thinkproducts #thinkproteinbars #keto #diet #chocolatepeanutbutter #chocolatepeanutbutterpie #ketobar #ketosnack #protein #proteinbar #proteinbarreview #gym #gymrat #gymbro #gymlifestyle