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Cat Seizure

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This is a Grand Mal seizure in a cat. He was given his rescue medication immediately after this video was taken (he recovered at the time). This video is several years old and Otis the cat is no longer with us. Sharing to educate on what a seizure looks like and that you should seek a veterinarian immediately should hapoen to your pets. #seizure #cat #vetmed #felineseizures #animaleducation
Dad Comforting His Cat During a Seizure #fyp #fypシ #bekind #cat #catlover #catlovers
If your cat starts trembling uncontrollably, stay calm but act immediately—he might be having an epileptic seizure. Here are three crucial steps to help him safely: 1️⃣ Do NOT restrict his movements – This could make things worse or even harm you.
2️⃣ Remove sharp or dangerous objects – Keep the area safe to prevent injuries.
3️⃣ Place cushions or blankets around him – This will help protect him from hurting himself. Once the seizure is over, speak softly to reassure him and keep him warm and comfortable. If seizures happen again, consult a vet immediately. #CatHealth #CatCare #EpilepticSeizure #seizure
Beauty baby cat 🥹 #seizure #epileptic #seizurecat #fyp #emotional
Poor fat cat 🥹 #seizure #epileptic #fyp #seizurecat
⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️ Today was awful for all of us. Link to Lunas gofund me in bio so we can get her an MRI #gofundme #linkinbio #seizures #kitten #rescuekitten #wobblylittleluna #pleasehelp #cerebellarhypoplasia #neurologicaldisorder #fyp #seizureawareness #grandmalseizures #tonicclonicseizures
3 Tips if Your Cat has an Epileptic Seizure ⚠️ #cat
Yes he is having one and yes he’ll try to play and run around while he’s having them sometimes. #catseizure #catseizures #cats
Poor black cat 🥹 #rescueanimals #seizurecat #epileptic #emotional
Cat have sudden seizure #catsoftiktok #kittensoftiktok #animalsrescue
FHS are considered psychomotor seizures. If left untreated, the episodes are most likely to get worse.
This Valentine’s Day, my sweet 3-year-old cat Smudge started having seizures. After multiple vet visits, blood work, and urine analysis, we still don’t have answers. So far, I’ve spent $900 on vet bills, and while he’s on medication, his seizures are getting worse and more frequent. I was advised to take him to urgent care, but I simply can’t afford it. Smudge is my whole world, and I just want to get him the care he needs. Any donation, big or small, would mean everything to us. If you can’t donate, please share. Every bit of support helps. Thank you! See link in bio.🙏🏼 #catsoftiktok #cattok #fyp #foryoupage #foryou #seizure #sickcat
Poor thing baby cat 🥹 #seizure #epileptic #seizurecat #fyp