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Can Cats Eat Tomatoes

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lick lick lick the tomato #katt #migi #cattok #catsoftiktok #catfluencer #tomato #snack #healthysnack #healthy #eating
Reply to @saylorj69 What else do you want to know about Mr.Pants? #qanda
tomatoes 🍅 and cats 🐈: while cats may eat *ripe* tomatoes in small quantities, stay away from feeding them green (unripe) tomatoes, leaves, or stems. these contain alpha‐tomatine and alpha‐dehydrotomatine, which are toxic to cats. if your cat shows signs their stomach is sensitive to tomatoes, they shouldn't eat them at all. a cat's gastrointestinal system doesn't allow it to extract the valuable nutrients found in fruits and vegetables, so giving them tomatoes isn't doing much more than satisfying their urge to eat whatever you're eating 🍅😺 #orangetabbycat #cattips #catfoods #catseatingthings #gingercat
#cat #catsoftiktok #tomatoes #kitty #eating
I think he doesn’t like it 🍅 #fyp #cats #tomato #cateating #cutecat #viral #viralvideo #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #foryou #catsoftiktok #mainecoonkitten #fypage #funny
My cat loves tomatoes 🥹 #devonrex #cat #catfood
Letting my boys try tomatoes 🍅❤️ #cats #cat #catsoftiktok #fyp
Cat eating with funny sound #cat #tomato
Learned somwthing new about Misha today. He loves Cherry tomatoes (yes they are safe, I always check before feeding my boys anything) #cherrytomatoes #longhairtabby #gardenfresh #misha #cats #healthyeating #safefoodforcats #sharingiscaring #fyp #maincoonmix😽 #lovemyboys
He love the tomat 🍅
Is it just my cat that loves tomatoes?😂🤦🏾‍♀️ #creatorsearchinsights #catsoftiktok #catbehavior #catmom #cats
🐱 ¿Los tomates son tóxicos para los gatos? 🍅🚨 ¡Cuidado! Los tomates VERDES y las hojas de la planta son tóxicos para tu michi. 🌿😿 ✅ Tomates maduros: En pequeñas cantidades y sin tallos ni hojas, pueden ser seguros. 🍅✨ ⚠️ Recuerda: Evita darle tomates verdes o partes de la planta. Ante cualquier duda, consulta a tu veterinario. 🩺 ¿Le has dado tomate a tu gato? 🐱💬 ¡Cuéntamelo en los comentarios! 👉 ¡Sígueme para más tips sobre alimentación felina! 🐾✨ #fyp #cat #catlover #gatos #gatostiktok #gatossanos #gatoscomiendo
pardon the lack lister look I just got off work and wanted something to eat! Uther agreed this was a good snack lol #weirdcat #cat #catsoftiktok #uther
Wonder if she picked up a taste for tomato sauce eating pizza crusts from the trash? She was an alley cat before we took her in. #tomatosauce #catsoftiktok #orangecat #orangetabbycatsoftiktok
Carl enjoys sun dried tomatoes #catsoftiktok #cat #cattoks #cats
Click here to know Why??? Read more.... 1. Tomato: Cats should not eat tomatoes because they contain solanine, which can be harmful to cats. Additionally, tomatoes are acidic and may cause digestive upset. 2. Raw Eggs:Raw eggs may contain salmonella, a bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Cooking eggs eliminates this risk, but raw eggs pose a potential health hazard for cats. 3. Chocolates: Chocolates contain theobromine, a substance that cats cannot metabolize well. Ingesting chocolate can lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and even more severe conditions like tremors and seizures. 4. Grapes:Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats. The exact reason is not known, but even a small amount can be toxic and should be avoided. 5. Milk and Dairy Products: Many adult cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they lack the enzyme needed to properly digest lactose in milk. Feeding them dairy products can lead to digestive upset, including diarrhea. 6. Caffeine:Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and some sodas, is toxic to cats. It can cause restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and in severe cases, it can be fatal. Avoid giving cats anything containing caffeine. #vet #vetsinfo #vetmed #bcse #navle #ecfvg #neb #bovine #cattle #equine #animallovers #vetdoc #sheep #dontfeed #petshealth #petscare #petparents #animals #dairy #fyp #viral