@wondergal_dana Years experienced, tested, passed! ✅ Green certified ✅
Grab the hack. Dehydration? Never heard. Chicken soup? I’ll take it.
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#facefitness #facegymtraining #stopaging #facefitness #facegymtraining #stopaging #noinjections #nobotox #howtogetyounger #lookyounger #stopbotox #lipsexersice #howtogetyounger #doublechin #darkcircles #howtogetbiglips #faceyoga #darkcircles #eyebags
#skincare #beautifulskin #glowingface #hoodedeyes #fulllips #saggingcheeks #reducewrinkles #quickskincare #hängendebäckchen #augenringe #faltenreduzierung #wenigerfalten #stirnfalten #jüngeraussehen #halsfalten
original sound - Wonderfacefit
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I can’t even believe that this miserable person was me 5 years ago. Low confidence and self-esteem, super bad look, I didn’t want even to look in the mirror! Until I decided “I want to look different and feel different!!” And c’mon, we all know how our look can affect our inner piece. I was misarable in my private life too, only toxic men around. But the changes came with the face fitness🔥 If you want to see changes on your face, watch this video till the end! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #lipsexersice #howtogetyounger #doublechin #darkcircles #howtogetbiglips #darkcircles #eyebags #skincare #beautifulskin #glowingface #hoodedeyes #fulllips #saggingcheeks #reducewrinkles #quickskincare #hängendebäckchen #augenringe #faltenreduzierung #wenigerfalten #stirnfalten #jüngeraussehen #halsfalten #foreheadwrinkles #getridofwrinkles #puffyeyebagsundereyetreatment #jawexerciseforjawline #tightenskinunderchin #necktightening #tightenskinnaturally
·2024-12-25Reasons why you dont succeed with your face lifting: 1) You don’t do consistently. Face gym requires every day little work. 2) You don’t do in one system. It means today you do one exercise for your eyes, tomorrow for your cheeks, in one week something else. You will lift your face as fast as possible if you do it in one system. 3) You doubt too much. Too much overthinking “will it work or not?🧐” Don’t think, just do. 4) The technique you tried so far doesn’t fit you. You might think face MASSAGE is an amazing way to lift, but massage does not lift your face long term. It improves your blood circulation and the overall face tone, but the real lifting you will only get if you train and tighten your face muscles. In my System you’ll get all in once: - SYSTEM how to work with the muscles - Technique that works and easy to do - Motivation to keep going If you want me to help you, Comment this video with “Face Lift Yes” and expect a message from me💌 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #lipsexersice #howtogetyounger #doublechin #darkcircles #howtogetbiglips #darkcircles #eyebags #skincare #beautifulskin #glowingface #hoodedeyes #fulllips #saggingcheeks #reducewrinkles #quickskincare #hängendebäckchen #augenringe #faltenreduzierung #wenigerfalten #stirnfalten #jüngeraussehen #halsfalten #foreheadwrinkles #getridofwrinkles #puffyeyebagsundereyetreatment #jawexerciseforjawline #tightenskinunderchin #necktightening #tightenskinnaturally
·2024-12-6I know how it feels like to use 3-4 layers of a concealer in a hope to cover the area under the eyes. Or constantly trying some hacks with the ice cubes, spoons and so on..that don’t bring significant results. Eye bags and hollow eyes appear independently from your age. It took me years to understand this complexity of the face and why we look tired and older in a younger age. I battled the eye bags and the follow eyes and I can help you with this. Come to my upcoming online class that will help you to eliminate EYE BAGS, DARK CIRCLES, HOLLOW EYES & EYE WRINKLES. You learn how to look 8 years younger with a minimum effort 🔥 Follow the link under my profile picture and book the spot! #holloweyes #eyebags #eyelifting #eyeliftfacefit #naturaleyelift #faceyoga #facegym #lookyounger
·1d ago Droopy eye lids quick tutorial- immediat effect! Find more on my page: • how to get rid of dark circles • eye bags • reduce the wrinkles around the eyes and get an “open eyes” look NO BOTOX NEEDED 🤌🏻 Check my highlights “EYES” #darkcircles #droopyeyelids #facegym #faceyoga #facelifting #nturalfacelift
·2d ago Read below first 👇🏻 Eye bags is a complex process. But the main cause of the eye bags in simple words: THE BODY FLUID GETS STUCK IN THE EYE BAGS, because of the blockages in the neck. ‼️If you want know more about HOW to get rid of the eye bags: 1.Comment this video with “Eye bag” 2.Follow me on Instagram 3.Check my highlight “Eye bags” #facefitnessexercise #facefitness #wonderfacefit #eyebags #eyelifting #howtoliftface #darkcircles #eyewrinkles
·6d ago Do you need fillers for lifting the skin around your eyes?? Hello NO! No botox, no fillers, no surgery. Just 5 minutes a day and that’s so easy! For more lifting hacks check my highlight “EYEs” #eyelifting #darkcircles #eyewrinkles #naturalfacelift #undereyecircles #undereyewrinkles #howtolookyounger #facefitness #facegym
·1w ago If you want to get a crazy results on improving your eye area look: 1) follow me on my Instagram 2) Check the highlight “EYES” on my Instagram I’ll see you there 😘 #eyelifting #facefitness #naturalfacelift #facyoga #facegymnastics #darkcircles #droopyeyelids #eyebags
·2-12Comment this video with “Botox” if you want to know what is behind this procedure and check my highlight «Botox» on my Instagram. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀#botox #botoxnatural #facefitness #glowingface #darkcircles #facelift
·2-10Open here 😍👇🏻 To fix the area around & under the eyes is impossible without Fillers, Botox or surgery…how often I heard that back in 2020 and still having those comments. Believe or not, you can lift the skin around your eyes and get rid of wrinkles, eye bags and dark circles with 5 minutes a day 🤌🏻 I’ll teach you HOW - check my highlight «EYES» on my Instagram page. #g#glowingfaced#darkcirclesd#darkcirclesundereyes1#11linese#eyebagsu#undereyewrinklesfacefitness
·2-9READ BELOW ⬇️ Why dark under eye wrinkles, dark circles, hollow eyes, eye bags appear and make us look tired? The skin around and under the eyes get more and more thin and saggy. The muscles underneath our skin becomes less flexible and tight so they pull the skin downwards⬇️ As a results: hollow eyes, deep wrinkles around the eyes, dark circles, deep smile lines and so on… How to reverse this process of skin & muscles sagging? Botox? Don’t touch this thing, as It tranquilizes your muscles, make them even more thin and weak, which means…👉🏻 FASTER AGING‼️ On my intensive online class I teach the techniques that will help you to look fresh and rested with 5 minutes a day. Check for more details my highlight “EYES” on my Instagram page. #eyelift #eyelifting #facefit #facefitness #naturalfacelift #facerejuvenation