Share moments as a coffee-lover couple with our exquisite pairing of Quasso Espresso and Valencia Latte. Opt for the live serving of our Quasso Espresso, exclusive to Eyckman 32 only; or taste the extraordinary 12-hour infused coffee with Valencia orange in each of our outlets.
Treat yourself to this curated pairings at Wheels Coffee Roasters.
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Come for the expertly brewed coffee, stay for the cozy conversations at our slow bar.
·13m ago For those who love a little heat, Tender de La Noir Pasta delivers just the right spice. Black pepper sauce coats the spaghetti, complemented by tender grilled beef, confit cherry tomatoes, and sautéed garlic. Taste it now at Wheels Coffee Roasters, Heritage Lifestyle Hub Bintaro.
·3d ago Discover our variety of coffee beans at Wheels Coffee Roasters, from locally sourced blends to international options. Whether you're into manual brew or espresso-based, we’ve got you covered. Enjoy your brew with us or take your favorites home—available in-store and online.
·2-5When visiting Wheels Coffee Roasters at Heritage Lifestyle Hub Bintaro, don’t miss the curated display of coffee beans and merchandise on the left as you enter. Browse anytime during your visit, and let our crew help you pick the perfect keepsake to bring home.
·2-2Here's a little break down on how you can craft your perfect cup, right in your kitchen.