This week’s is gluten-free, dairy-free, and my personal favorite #densebeansalad #mealprep #dbs #glutenfree #dairyfree
Wes Anderson-esque Cute Acoustic - Kenji Ueda
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Model Bakery muffins, kerrygood butter, Pete and Gerry’s eggs, Italian sausage and Monterey Jack cheese #breakfast #sandwich
·6h ago Every time I see a nasty post about SF it makes me so sad. I’ve lived here for 14 years and it’s such a stunning and culturally rich city that I’m so proud to call home. People love to make click baity videos (that always seem to be over a minute so they’re creator fund eligible 🤔) ripping on SF. It’s not to say SF doesn’t have problems or bad neighborhoods but in terms of public parks, food, and people I think it’s truly unmatched. The sweeping phrases calling “downtown” crime riddled and horrible are ridiculous. This video is filmed today in the Embarcadero in prime downtown SF and on the Embarcadero muni. I hate hate hate the bad press SF gets and wanted to share a beautiful snippet of my morning! I’m so grateful for every day I get to live here
·2-22Day in my life as a 24 year old culinary grad student 🧑🎓 #napa #cia #acap #culinaryschool #sanfrancisco #elenas
·2-9Weekly meal prep! La Scala DBS, Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (Claire saffitz recipe), and Caesar Chicken Salad #glutenfree #mealprep