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SugarPlum’s getting a new crib- or a bigger cage I should say! She’s not yet fixed, so she can’t be with the other kitties, but she’s big enough now she can have a multi-level cage! Help me set it up and move her over! #catrescue #petangel #rescue #cats #kittens #kittenrescue #catsoftiktok #kittensoftiktok #michigan #moving #catcages #fyp


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The TAIL of how Pet Angel was Founded! Ever wonder how we started our rescue? Here’s our “origin story” -our TAIL, if you will! We’re so glad to still be rescuing cats in the Mid-Michigan area for 20 whole years! Today, we specialize in bonded pairs, extra-need, elderly, and shy cats, giving a safe haven to the cats that ste often overlooked in other shelters and rescues. Im honored to share my rescue with you on my little corner of the internet! I love sharing the stories of the cats, behind the scenes, give you cat advice, and give you the glipse into what its like in a cat rescue! Drop a 🐈‍⬛🐈 in the comments if you alresdy knew this story 😉 #petangel #petangeladoption #catrescue #animalrescue #cats #rescue #animalshelter #5o1c3 #nonprofit #cat #shelter #animalwelfare #michigan #frankenmuth
You can teach your cat to stop being a meniace, but its all about the WAY you do it to get results. Throw away the spray bottle, because its never going to work. Positive reinforcement and redirection is the way to go! #catrescue #cattips #cattraining #catownertips #petangel #catscratching #cats
After 19 years, Pet Angel is switching our focus to bonded pairs, overlooked & extra-need cats and kittens! We’re so excited for this change, and hope you are too! #catrescue #rescue #animalshelter #animalrescue #petangel #nonprofit #nokill #michigan #specialneedscat
Come with me to a chaotic Wednesday at Pet Angel! 2 of our ladies got fixed yesterday, I had to set a new volunteer up to sign up for shifts, and we have a new arrival today: Cookie (Cookie reveal at the end!) #catrescue #rescue #cats #petangel #fyp #dayinthelife #animalrescue #kittens #cat #michigan #frankenmuth #animals #catlover #fyp
·8h ago
A gluten free recommendation: the gluten free cake pops from @Sugar High Bakery/Cafe/Sushi in Frankenmuth, Michigan CHANGED MY LIFE. It is SOFT, unlike other gluten free cakes that I find gritty and dense. If I didn’t watch the girl pull it from the gluten free section, I would think I was eating gluten. It’s truly THAT good. I will be purchasing 1 a week, at minimum, until further notice. If you are gluten free, and visiting Frankenmuth, this is a MUST! #glutenfree #glutenfreelife #celiac #celiacdisease #glutenfreecakepop #cakepop #sugarhigh #sugarhighbakery #frankenmuth #michigan #glutenfreedessert #fyp #abbysglutenfree
·1d ago
Part 2 on declawing, because I had more to say but ran out of time! Please go back and watch the video right before this one before you watch this video! #declawing #declawingiswrong #declawingalternatives #cats #catrescue #catsoftiktok #petangel #cattips #catsdvice #fyp
·2d ago
My Ted Talk on declawing: what it is, why it’s painful, and how it can hurt your cat moving forward. Please, do not declaw your cat! I decided to post a Part 2 talking more about this video after I was done filming it. It is already posted. If you already have declawed your cat and you’re thinking “oh my gosh, I didn’t know!” THAT IS OKAY. You didn’t know what you didn’t know! NOW you do know, and what is amazing about growth is you can change moving forward! If you really just do not want a cat with claws, please look for a cat that is already declawed! Declawed cats in shelters often have complications and are not adopted. If you’re okay with dealing with the complications, then you could save that cat and give them an amazing life!! #cats #catrescue #declawing #catdeclawing #catclaws #claws #declawingiswrong #declawingalternatives #fyp #greenscreen
·2d ago
This video is for scientific and educational purposes only. Let me show you what a cats first heat cycle looks like! Blueberry is scheduled to get spayed on Tuesday, March 11th but went into heat right before her appointment 😭 So I’d like to show you what a kittens first heat cycle can look like. She’s not as loud as most other females in heat are, but this is still a good example to show you how a female kitten acts in their first heat cycle! If your cat is unfixed, PLEASE look into spaying and neutering your pet! I bet your unfixed cat is having behavioral issues…. Fixing them will solve a lot of those issues! #cats #catrescue #catinheat #catheat #heat #heatcycle #fyp #cattips #catowneradvice #catowners #petangel #kittens #kittenrescue #femalecats #spayandneuter #spay #neuter #fyp
·4d ago
What if I told you that your pizza could help the cats and kittens in my rescue? Would you help us out? Our Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser is going on right now, and your purchase of a pizza kit (or a in-store order that you can go pick up from your local Little Caesar’s) will help the cats and kittens in my rescue! These Pizza Kits are one of the best things I’ve ever got my family for a meal, and as a gluten-free person, the gluten free pizza kit is the ONLY gluten free pizza that I ACTUALLY LIKE! Let me know what you’re ordering! #littlecaesars #littlecaesarspizza #fundraiser #littlecaesarsfundraiser #pizzakit #pizza #cats #catsoftiktok #petangel #nonprofit #catrescue #fyp #michigan #pizzalover
·5d ago
These are our favorite cat beds! These cat beds are adored by the cats in our rescue, and we will continue to buy them time and time again moving forward! All beds can be found on Amazon, and I have them linked on our storefront for you to find easier! Let me know if you’ve tried one of these beds, and which one is your cats favorite! #catbeds #cattoys #cattips #catadvice #catrescue #cats #catsoftiktok #petangel #amazonstorefront #fyp
·6d ago
Our Favorite Cat Toys! These toys have all been tested by the cats at our rescue, and are adored, so we will keep purchasing them over and over again! All of these toys are also safe for our cats, and feather free! All are linked in Pet Angel’s Storefront, if you wanna grab one for your cat! If you’ve tried any of these, let me know what your cat thinks!!! #cattoys #cats #toys #cattips #catadvice #catowners #catsoftiktok #cat #pets #petadvice #amazonstorefront #fyp #petangel #catrescue #safetoys
·6d ago
Let’s talk about how to transition your cat from one brand of food to another brand of food! We want to do this slowly, because if you switch them over cold turkey, they can get an upset belly! #petangel #catrescue #cats #rescue #fyp #catfood #cattips #catadvice #advice #catsoftiktok #catshelter
·1w ago
Come with me to do a task I’ve been avoiding for weeks: cleaning out and reorganizing all of the bedding, blankets, hidey holes, sheets and towels in the Rescue’s Storage room! #catrescue #rescue #shelter #animalrescue #animalshelter #catbeds #organizing #cleaning #petrescue #nonprofit #frankenmuth #michigan #fyp #petangel
Unsolicited cat advice from a girl who’s been in Cat Rescue for 21 years! The automatic do’s and dont’s I’ve learned from over the years! #catadvice #cattips #unsolicitedadvice #advice #cats #catsoftiktok #catrescue #petangel #fyp #cattoys #catfleas #fleas #fleaprevention #greenscreen
From cat rescue to… a production studio! I’m so excited to announce that I am the newest member of the @BrainBreak Academy Crew! (This is the secret I’ve been hinting at on my IG!) BrainBreak Academy is the ultimate reset button for the classroom! Our fun yet educational videos for the classroom re-engage your students from K-5th grade! You might remember, last year I was a guest on Brain Break for a full length episode on their show, and their viewers liked me so much, I joined the team! I’m still with Pet Angel, don’t worry! This is a fun group I’m joining to add to my repertoire! Catch me over on BrainBreaks Academy’s page doing fun challenges, sharing ideas for teachers to reengage their students, and soon- full legth episodes where we’ll take a field trip together (this time, I’ll be the one interviewing the guests!) I can’t wait to enter your students lives through the screen and in the classroom (&maybe even in assemblies one day!) See you over there! 🧠 📺 (You can catch my full length episode at Pet Angel on Brain Breaks YouTube Page if you want to see what this is all about!) #brainbreak #brainbreakacademy #forkids
Your Formal Invitation to join the Halo Society! #monthlydonor #donor #petangel #catrescue #rescue #fyp #petangel #cats #catsoftiktok #greenscreenvideo #greenscreen