Don’t Sleep on this Leg day 👀 Save/Share this!
1: 1/2+1 rep Seated Leg Curl: 3-6 reps
2: Pendulum/Hack/Smith Squat: 4-8 reps
3: DB SLDL/RDL: 5-8 reps (or AMRAP)
4: 2half+1repLean Back Leg Extension: 3-6 reps
5: Standing Calf Raise: 5-8 reps
6: Hanging Leg Raise: 6-15 reps/amrap
7: Bonus LeanFwd Hip Abduction: 6-10 reps
I’d start with 2 ish sets of each (maybe 1 on hip abd and 3 on calf). Leave some reps in the tank on week 1, but then train to around 0-2 RIR most of the time (ideally 1 RIR for most ppl, most exercises, most of the time). add some weight next week as long as you’ll land inside the rep range, then gradually load or micro load (yes with 5’s, 2.5’s, or 1.25’s) each week while aiming for more reps where you can get them. Milk the exercises for as long as they’ll keep progressing without joint pain and/or the idea of another month with them makes you want to break glass.
Fellas. You’re not plateaued, you just don’t use microplates… and/or double progression. and/or your sleep/nutrition needs work. And/or you’re not training as hard as you think you are. And/or you’re expecting 2-5 month or 2-5 year typa results in 2-5 weeks.
This workout was from the most recent D4DDY/Ogusdaily Mesocycle.
Remember, it’s not about training every single day or how hard you crush just 1 workout or 1 week of training. It’s about thoughtful planning and programming, picking great exercises and hitting them with proper technique while training towards failure, and consistently stringing together progressive workouts week after week (and month after month) that reflect progressive overload in the exercises performed.
Want to make more gains and be less confused in the gym? check out my training teams to fast track your gains.
D4DDY for 4 workouts/wk
Ogusdaily for 6 workouts/week
Vixen for Women Only - 4 Workouts/week
#ogusdaily #d4ddy #legday #gymshark #gymsharktrain #mattogus #goldsgym #naturalbodybuilding
TITAN! (Ultra Slowed) - GXMZ
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·2022-2-10The smith machine is the girl you ignored in middle & high school who you later go on to marry and have 3 or 4 kids with - For a superior training program that utilizes the smith machine practically year round, Join me on D4DDY or Ogusdaily 👊🏼😎 - For Women wanting to Build Strong Glutes & Overall Muscle - VIXEN - For Fat loss Nutrition - Six Pack Shredding Program For Gaining Nutrition - Mean Gains - #ogusdaily #halfnatty #smithmachine
·5d ago Hanging Leg Raises tips to build thicker (lower) abs. This and cable/machine crunches (on a separate day) are all I really do for building/maintaining my abs (granted, they are a genetic strong point), and I generally program them as optional exercises in my training groups (new Mesocycles every 5-7 weeks). Of course, there is a difference between building abs, the muscle itself, and revealing them (through dropping bodyfat). Training abs alone doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the “revealing them” part, that’ll be dependent on your bodyfat percentage which is influenced by your calorie balance over time. Really Focus on the technique and progressive overload over time, not just “getting a great workout”, and you’ll have even greater workouts and greater long term progress. . Comment “train” to see if I’m doing a free week of workouts in my training groups . . . #bodybuilding #fitness #flex #lifting #gym #gymlife #instafit #nutrition #diet #lean #phsique #ogusdaily #motivation #lifestyle #fatloss #hypertrophy #muscle #gymhumor #halfnatty
·3-2Spotting is for powerlifting, ego lifting, beginners or trainers helping beginners, and maybe a tiiiny % of elite lifters who are so strong on certain machines that they need help getting into setup position. It’s also a tool to give your enemies tendonitis by overloading them in movement & positions they’ve never trained (think DB pressing of all angles). No thanks Jeff - Don’t sweat if you don’t have a spotter. The concept only holds you back. Become so good at lifting that a spot sounds disgusting. You’ll make the best gains of your life without someone touching you or the bar. - For the best gym programming to maximize your gains, check out my Team Training groups. D4DDY for 4 day Upper/Lower Ogusdaily for 6day PLPPLP Vixen for 4-5 day women only For fat loss: SixPackShredding Program Beginners/Lean Gaining: MeanGains
·3-2Me catching you skipping the gym like it’s an option. Enough of the excuses. You say you want results, but are you showing up for yourself? Motivation is fleeting—discipline is what gets you there. Stop waiting for the perfect moment. There isn’t one. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is what you do today. ❤️Like this if you’re done making excuses. 🛟Save it for the days you need a wake-up call. 🐐Share it if your crew needs to hear this too. Now get to work. Getting in your workout is more than an occasion, it’s a routine. DM me ‘Train’ to learn more about my Team training programs to help you simplify and maximize your routine and results. In cover pic: @Chris Elkins
·2-26Me hearing you complain about machine hogs and waiting for machines at the gym 🤣 If you’re upset about it, 99 times out of 100 it’s your own fault. Sidenote, everyone hitting the equipment you need is training the same muscle(s) on the same days as you. Pre-invite them into a machine you got to first… just once (NOT for a chat)… and never have to wait for them to “finish” a machine again because you’ll ALWAYS have pre-existing ammo/evidence and goodwill to work in with them in the future when they get to a machine before you. Lmao “waiting” for a machine. And COMPLAINING about waiting? When you didn’t even ask to work in?? Lmaooooo Do you actually love lifting? Like you fr just swap exercises Willy Nilly because you’re afraid to talk to ppl? And Don’t insult human intelligence pointing out the obvious exceptions to this 🫱🏻🫲🏽 Enough of the excuses. You say you want results, but are you showing up for yourself? Motivation is fleeting—discipline is what gets you there. Stop waiting for the perfect moment. There isn’t one. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is what you do today. ❤️Like this if you’re done making excuses. 🛟Save it for the days you need a wake-up call. 🐐Share it if your crew needs to hear this too. Now get to work. Getting in your workout is more than an occasion, it’s a routine. DM me on the Graham ‘Train’ to learn more about my Team training programs to help you simplify and maximize your routine and results.
·2-26When your woman be sabotaging your diet 🥲 Tomorrow she’s gonna tell me she’s been adding butter to the egg whites and it ain’t actually Coke Zero💀 - - - - Related topics Fat Loss Building Muscle Hypertrophy Bodybuilding shredding Nutrition Fitness
·2-23Replying to @Falon milnes it’s like picking up your dog’s poo but then leaving the baggie there on the ground
·2-19If you only use 45’s and 25’s, you’re prob a forever intermediate For the best gym programming to maximize your gains, check out my Team Training groups. D4DDY for 4 day Upper/Lower Ogusdaily for 6day PLPPLP Vixen for 4-5 day women only For fat loss: SixPackShredding Program Beginners/Lean Gaining: MeanGains
·2-19Me catching you skipping the gym like it’s an option. Enough of the excuses. You say you want results, but are you showing up for yourself? Motivation is fleeting—discipline is what gets you there. Stop waiting for the perfect moment. There isn’t one. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is what you do today. ❤️Like this if you’re done making excuses. 🛟Save it for the days you need a wake-up call. 🐐Share it if your crew needs to hear this too. Now get to work. Getting in your workout is more than an occasion, it’s a routine. DM me ‘Train’ to learn more about my Team training programs to help you simplify and maximize your routine and results.
·2-18As someone who has never *NOT* ran a training program of some sort since 2006… this is your nudge to finally LOCK-IN 🔒🔒🔒 Set it and forget it. Milk the program/process. Look back after 12-24 months of progressive overload. Enjoy the muscle and strength gains you made. No more random IG/TT workouts. No more falling off and on the wagon. No more confusion on how to build muscle. I’ve got the program. You just gotta do the time with it. - D4DDY officially RELAUNCHES as a standalone program TODAY. It is a 4 day Upper/Lower program for beginners, intermediates, and advanced (I use it myself). I take the guesswork out, so you just do the work and enjoy the superior results… IF you are patient enough to stick with it for the long term. - New Ogusdaily (6day split) and Vixen (women’s only) programs also dropped today. - A year from now… will you look back at a year of PROGRESS? Or just another year? - Blink in my LIO for more