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Ever since 1909, Ludwig has been setting the standard for drum creativity and innovation.

This standard has been sprinkled throughout their history ever since they made their bass drum pedal in 1909 and Copper Timpanis in 1911.

To this day, Ludwig continues that standard with drums like the Copper Phonic. Taking from that rich history of creating copper timpani, they move that same innovation into snare drums for drum sets.

This snare drum is brighter than you would think but can get down and dirty to the lowest of tunings.

Let’s get into this highly versatile and underrated snare drum.

Ludwig 14” x 8” Copper Phonic snare drum features & specs (pulled from Ludwig’s website):

“Copper Phonic:

With close to 100 years of experience building copper timpani, the newest member of the Ludwig USA snare drum range is the Copper Phonic snare drum. High Volume performance with complete focus and dark-low qualities, the Copper Phonic is the next best in Ludwig’s Phonic tone pallet. A true legend in the making.

Stock Features:
* 1.2mm Seamless Copper Shell
* 2.3mm Steel Triple Flanged Hoops (Optional Die-Cast)
* P88AC Throw Off
* P35P Butt Plate
* Ludwig Weather Master Medium Coated Head
* Ludwig Weather Master Clear Snare Side Head
* 10 lugs”

The copper phonic comes in a couple of sizes and finishes. They are:

1) 14” x 5” Raw CopperPhonic
2) 14” x 6.5” Raw CopperPhonic
3) 14” x 8” Raw CopperPhonic
4) 14” x 5” Polished CopperPhonic

What did you guys think? Which tuning was your favorite? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Okay. Byeeeee 🥁🤓❤️✌🏻

#thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #versatility #keeponlearning #florida #orlando #drumsultant #options #copperphonic #comparison #underrated #dynamic #copper #headtohead #drumtuning #tuning


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Ever since 1972, Don Lombardi, along with John Good, has made it a mission to help drummers improve their experience behind the drum kit with improvements to what they are playing and their approach to playing it. This quick drum hack is one of those ways that can make life a little easier behind the kit when you have a floor tom that sustains forever. The simple hack is taking one of the floor time legs and flipping it upside down, decoupling it from the floor. This in turn shortens the sustain of the drum. Now, there are different ways to do this when you have a little more time. Changing the tuning of a drum can always be effective in generating a shorter fundamental tone out of a drum. Experimenting with the re-tuning of the resonant head is a good way to do this. Changing the batter side drum head to a thicker head can provide a more natural dampening and control to the tone. Adding cotton balls to the inside of a floor tom can control the sustain as well. What I’m trying to say here is that it doesn’t just stop with the hack you see in this video. There are so many great ways to shape the sound of your drum. However, in a pinch, the hack that Don Lombardi discussed is a great tip to have in your toolbox of drum hacks. Buttttt……. What do you guys think? Have you ever thought to do this? Do you think it would be beneficial? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 — #tes#testabeatdrumse#thedrumsultantu#drumtuninga#snaredruma#snareu#drummerb#vibea#geartoku#drumtoko#processc#techniquex#fixxeruppern#tuningu#soundp#CapCut#fixxerupperxperimenting #findyoursound #diy #keeponlearning #florida #orlando #drumtuning #techtiptuesday #drumsticks #tipsandtricks #drumhacks #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
·19h ago
When it comes to drums, the little details can make the biggest impact. Having extra sticks available where you don't have to reach far is one thing we don't think too much about. A lot of us have our sticks in our stick bags that are leaned up against our floor tom. The only problem with that is that it limits us to only being able to pull a stick from our right side. What if we drop or break a stick in our left hand? You would be screwed! An easy way to fix this issue is mounting a marching stick quiver bag to your snare drum. This quiver will hold four pairs of drum set sticks comfortably. Most people would mount this in-between their legs but for me, I mounted it slightly to the left of my snare drum because my left stick will tend to brake quicker than my right. However you mount it on your snare, this is an easy way to ensure you won't be caught without a drumstick, no matter what happens. Buttttt……. What do you guys think? Have you ever thought to do this? Do you think it would be beneficial? Where do you normally keep extra drumsticks? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 — #tes#testabeatdrumse#thedrumsultantu#drumtuninga#snaredruma#snareu#drummerb#vibea#geartoku#drumtoko#processc#techniquex#fixxeruppern#tuningu#soundp#CapCut#drumtuningechtiptuesday #drumsticks #tipsandtricks #drumhacks #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
·1d ago
Changing it up this week while I finally change out the snare side head on this @Pearl Drums 12” x 7” Maple Effect “The Soprano Snare” Snare Drum. By far, changing out the snare side head of a snare drum is the one task that 99% of drummers dread. The main reason that tensioning up a snare side head is different is because of how thin the drum head is. In addition to that, you also have to attach the snare wires back on to drum via the strainer and butt. This process can be a lot when you don’t practice it enough. Like anything else, you get better at something by doing a bunch of reps on it, and when you think you have it, you do it again. Drummers do this by playing drums ALL the time. Yet when it comes to changing out drum heads, this idea falls to the waste side, and we don’t have as much patience with ourselves as we should. Hopefully, this post can be a guide to you that will take away the mystique of changing out a drum head. And if you have any questions about what I did in this video, drop a comment, and let’s talk. And what’s great about the drum community is everyone has their own experiences with this. Many people will be able to give you answers you can absorb and apply or not apply to your process. All it comes down to is you putting some time and effort into this beautiful craft. So let’s get to work! What do you guys think? How do you run up your snare side drum head? Does the process look similar to this? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓❤️ — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #drumtuning #techtiptuesday #tensioning #tipsandtricks #drumhack #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
·2d ago
How do you deal with last-minute adjustments being made to a song? . . . The situation you see in this video is an adjustment that was made during rehearsal that morning. After finishing this song in the rehearsal, our MD asked if the singer wanted to do anything different with the song since it was the last one before going into preaching. She had suggested that she would love to do the bridge a couple more times. We ended up landing on adjusting how we ended the song with tracks. Instead of doing the hits at the end that insinuate the ending of the song I would play through that and build into just cymbals for a bridge. Leading us to do one more bridge and end with a big chorus. This ended up being such a powerful moment in both services This is why it's so important to be flexible in a given musical situation. Don't even think a song HAS to be played a certain way. Know that there are things that could change and instead of being upset or frustrated about that change, embrace it and put your personal opinions to the side. Learning how to do this will make you a better musician earlier on and will cause you to be less frustrated when things change or adjust. I would love to hear from you guys. Have you ever experienced a last-minute change in a set? How did you adjust to it and how did that change go? Let’s talk about it in the comments. Just a thought. Love you, guys. Okay! Bye. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️✌🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #moments #findyoursound #understandingdrums #keeponlearning #sunday #perspective #drumtuning #practice #spacethefinalfrontier #drumheads #musicaldecisions
·3d ago
There are so many snare drum options at our fingertips that some are forgotten about or not talked about enough and yet have stood the test of time. The @Pearl Drums Effect “The Soprano Snare” is one of those snare drums! Released sometime in the 90s, this snare became a standard for when you thought of a high-tuned snare sound that had presence and body all in one small package! Along with doing the high tuning so so well, this baby beast can surprise you in some of the other tunings it can provide. So much so that it has been used as a main snare for so many times since its release. This is why you should never judge a snare by its size. Take it for a spin and see what it is capable of doing, you never know what will happen! Just remember to listen with your ears and not your eyes! • • #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #smallbuisness #handmade #customsnare #handcrafted #comparison #headtohead #araenal #snarecollection #favoritee
·4d ago
As a backline and drum tech, I love having gear that makes sense, is easy to use, and can be stored in my Pelican. When I saw a fellow tech, thedrumtex, pull out this tool in a video and use it on a guitar, I knew I had to snag one and check it out on a snare drum. Let’s get into this simple, affordable, and practical screwdriver. The HOTO 3.6V Screwdriver Kit (Classic) features & specs (pulled from HOTO’s website): MODERN DESIGN - An asthetically pleasing all-in-one design, with an aluminium alloy case that stores 12 alloy steel bits. INTELLIGENT ROTARY KNOB - A built-in intelligent chip and the four-stage rotary knob allow torque adjustment to fit the job. Find the perfect force to achieve maximum efficiency. INSTANT STOP - Prevent screws from scratching and wrist injuries due to over rotation. Smart Instant Stop feature that stops screwing immediately after releasing the power button. 12 PCS BITS - 12 pieces of 50mm S2 alloy steel bits, with a hardness up to 60HRC. CIRCULAR LED - Don't let lighting become a liability. The ring LED light is highly convenient in dark spaces. It switches on automatically when screwing, and turns off after 10s of inactivity. USB-C CHARGING PORT - Charge the battery through the USB-C port. * Powerful Torque: 4N·m maximum torque for exceptional performance. * 12 S2-Steel Screwdriver Bits: Versatile and compatible with various screw types and sizes. * Adjustable Torque: Three-stage rotary knob for precise control. * Electric & Manual Screwing: Switch between electric and manual modes for flexibility. * High Rotating Speed: 220rpm for fast, efficient screwing. * Built-In LED Light: Illuminates work area for enhanced visibility. * Long-Lasting Battery: 1500mAh lithium battery for extended use. * USB-C Charging: Quick and convenient charging with USB-C port. * All-in-One Storage Box: Aluminum alloy box for portability and protection. What did you guys think? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Okay. Byeeeee 🥁🤓❤️✌🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #drumsultant #options #screwdriver #hototools #underrated #toolsofthetrade #classic #backlinetech #drumtuning #tools
·5d ago
I wanted to change it up this week and give a quick tone check of how a studio kit I did a tune-up on. Yes, tuned by yours truly! The drum kit is a 2002 DW Collectors Drum Kit in a Satin Oil Natural finish with 8”, 10”, 12” rack toms, 14” floor tom, and 20” kick drum. This kit was gifted to them by an elderly man in the church who has a killer collection of drums but can't play much anymore! The Tom’s and Kick Drum all have DW-branded drum heads. The tom batters are new and the resonant drum heads I think are the original stock heads from 22 years ago but still tuned up nicely. The snare drum is a 1990s Ludwig 14” x 6.5” LM306 Brass snare drum. For dampening, we ended up not using any for the rack toms because of how pure they sounded after tuning up. They were direct, musical, and focused. The 14” floor tom needed a little more love and what I ended up settling on was a small piece of gaffer tape on the resident head. The minor issue I was having was a very slight sound in the sustain. After checking the tuning, adding a little dampening fixed it up quickly. The snare drum just simply needed a retuned and snare wire adjustment. After these changes, the client couldn't have been more happy and we plan on getting new @Evans Drumheads soon. That’s what it all comes down to as a backline/drum tech in any situation, serving the people around you. Adding suggestions for the sake of improvement and not to stroke your ego. BUTTTTTT…… I would love to hear from you guys. Do you like the sound of this kit?? Would you change it or keep it the same? Why or why not? Let’s talk about it in the comments. Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 — #tes#testabeatdrumse#thedrumsultantu#drumtuninga#snaredruma#snareu#drummerb#vibea#geartoku#drumtoko#processc#techniquex#fixxeruppern#tuningu#soundp#CapCut#floridarlando #drumtuning #backline #tensioning #tipsandtricks #toolsofthetrade #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
·6d ago
I mean…. 😂🥁🤓 The internet is wrong sometimes, right? What new snare drums have you recently bought? Let me know in the comments below!! I hope you guys have an amazing week!! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 • • #t#testabeatdrumst#thedrumsultantd#drumtunings#snaredrums#snared#drummerv#vibeg#geartokd#drumtokp#processt#techniquef#fixxeruppert#tunings#soundC#CapCuto#officialsnaregeeksnaresoftheday #customsnare #handcrafted #collection #snarecollection #gearhead #snarehead #testabeatdrums #drumsultant
·1w ago
When it comes to drums, the details can make a massive impact. Dampening is one of those things that can have a massive impact on how our drums sound. The secret we all try to find is how much dampening is appropriate for that sound. For most situations, we want to control the ring of the snare drum tone because we like how the snare sounds and want to apply some natural EQ to it. Although there are many options on the market, I haven't found something as easy to use and effective in doing this as the@Big Fat Snare Drum Eclipse Rings. If you didn't know, the Eclipse Rings are “ dampeners that cut down the overtone and ring on Snares and Toms. You can also stick these interstellar rings on cymbals for a dampening effect. Felt lined bottoms glued to 10mil mylar rings. Get those 70's Toms in one easy step.” I have found that the Eclipse Ring takes out the ring you sometimes don't need but keeps the fundamentals intact. It's also light enough to catch some air and lift off the drum to ensure you are still getting a nice snap in the sound, and it's not just dead. It's worth the try! What do you guys think? Do you use dampening on your snare? If so, what do you use? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #drumtuning #techtiptuesday #dampening #tipsandtricks #drumhacks #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
This particular tuning has started to become a favorite of mine and one I haven’t done on this @Pearl Drums 12” x 7” Maple Effect “The Soprano Snare” Snare Drum. Let’s get into it. This tuning is built on a well-tuned snare side head and properly tensioned snare wires. With that said, the snare side head is tight but has some give to it. The snare wires have an appropriate amount of tension that is not too tight or loose and allows the snare wires to breathe and not sound choked! This process allows the snare drum to have sensitivity and articulation while in this higher tuning. The batter-side tuning is a little more involved. For starters, I equally “finger-tighten” the tension rods as tight as possible until I can’t turn them anymore with the nub of these two @Snareweight speedy drum keys. After the figure-tightening, I use quarter turns to add more tension to the drum. This technique provides enough tension on the drum head and ensures you hear the shell and drum head working together. The secret sauce for this process is the drum key technique and drum head choice. The drum key technique allows me to know where I am tension-wise and know how much more I can go when getting to a desired sound. The @Evans Drumheads G2 snare drumhead allows for a balanced attack, average sustain, slightly bright tone, and moderate durability. Knowing these two factors helps me get this 12” x 7” Soprano Piccolo snare drum tensioned up to the desired sound quickly & efficiently. What do you guys think? How do you achieve a high snare sound? Does the process look similar to this? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓❤️ — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #findyoursound #comparison #keeponlearning #florida #orlando #drumtuning #techtiptuesday #tensioning #tipsandtricks #drumhack #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
Clear drum heads are so misunderstood because they all get thrown into the same category. What we sometimes forget is that each drum head may look the same but depending on the manufacturer can do something different to even the same drum. For example, although the Remo Pinstripe and Evans EC2S look and sound very similar they are made very differently. Each company has a slightly different process in how they make their drum heads and what polyester film they use for it. In addition, they have different constructions as well. Evans has a slightly formed “pre-tensioned” collar and Remo has a completely unformed “blank canvas” collar. Each has its advantages and disadvantages but all of these factors change how we approach tuning them. This is where the real job gets done because if we have a preexisting option about certain drum heads we are going to approach it all wrong. We need to be willing to approach it in a way that still gets us the sound we need. This may come to us adjusting how we work with certain drum heads to get the same sound. Even as simple as stretching out a specific brand more than another because that’s what it needs. In the end, we all will play what we want to play. All I’m suggesting is to have an open mind to how you are getting the sound you need no matter the drum heads. The drum head shouldn’t matter because, in the end, you see the one creating the sound and tuning it. The drum head is only a tool to help you achieve it. I would love to hear from you guys. Do you ever use clear drum heads? If so, when do you normally feel like it’s appropriate to use them? Let’s talk about it in the comments. Just a thought. Love you, guys. Okay! Bye. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️✌🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #understandingdrums #keeponlearning #sunday #perspective #drumtuning #practice #spacethefinalfrontier #drumheads #musicaldecisions
People talk about the Black Beauty, Supraphonic, and the Acrolite and forget that there is another snare drum that Ludwig came out with that goes under the radar, one being the Black/White badge 1990s @ludwigdrumshq 14” x 6.5” LM306 Brass snare drum. I had the pleasure of doing a tune-up job at a church for their two kits. One was a studio kit, and the other was the main kit they use on Sundays. The brass snare drum was in their studio, and man did this snare drum tune up nicely. These drum shells were imported to cut down on cost and didn't use the same throw-off or hoops as the top-tier models did. Although, you could put these drums to work and get a fantastic sound for an affordable price. Don't always look for what's new and fresh. Sometimes, your next snare drum pickup is floating around in Facebook marketplace. You have to keep your eyes open and look. • • #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #snaredrum #metalworks #smallbuisness #handmade #customsnare #handcrafted #comparison #headtohead #araenal #snarecollection #favoritee
Since the late 1950s, Evans has been producing products that help solve problems for drummers but has helped innovate the gear we regularly use by high standards and immense quality. Today, Evans releases an expansion to the HD Dry line and will offer sizes from 8" to 18" Tom heads. This drum head delivers the tonal focus and control drummers have loved having on their snare drums expanded to the entire kit. Something I’m excited about experimenting with. I know, I know, less talking and more demos, specs, and features. Let’s get into it! @Evans Drumheads HD Dry Drumhead features & specs (pulled from Daddario’s website): “EVANS HD (Heavy Duty) Dry snare heads balance durability and sonic response with advanced overtone control provided by precision-drilled dry vents. HD Dry heads are made with a coated outer ply of 5mil film and an inner ply of 7.5mil film, plus a 2mil control ring on the underside of the head and dry vents around the perimeter to eliminate stray overtones. HD Dry heads have a semi-defined attack, with short sustain and a bit less brightness than standard HD heads. All EVANS drumheads feature Level 360 Technology to provide ease of tuning, extended pitch range, and optimum quality of sound. EVANS drumheads are designed, engineered, and manufactured in the USA. Specs: - Treatment: Coated - Ply: 2 - Thickness: 12.5mil (5mil / 7.5mil) - Technology: Dry Vents What did you guys think of the new version of this drum head? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Okay. Byeeeee 🥁🤓❤️✌🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #drumtuning #versatile #promarkdrumsticks #HD #evansdrumheads #technology #underrated #heavyduty #advanced #durable #evans
I mean…. 😂🥁🤓 We all know that when you get a new one, it’s on to the next one. IT NEVER STOPS!! If you got a snare drum this year, what did you get, and what are you looking for now? Let me know in the comments below!! Merry Christmas, and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the week!! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 • • #t#testabeatdrumst#thedrumsultantd#drumtunings#snaredrums#snared#drummerv#vibeg#geartokd#drumtokp#processt#techniquef#fixxeruppert#tunings#soundC#CapCut#handmade#customsnare #handcrafted #collection #snarecollection #gearhead #snarehead #testabeatdrums #drumsultant
By far, tension rods are one of the most impactful parts of the drum tuning process. If you didn’t know, tension rods are the bolts that screw into lugs casing that will hold a drum head in place and apply tension to help produce a specific sound out of the drum. The tension rod has most times been mistaken by some as a lug. Although the tension rod screws into a lug, it is not a part of the anatomy of a lug. It works with the lug to operate. (FYI: I know I didn’t need to say this, but I felt like it was needed. Rant over, lol) Over time, tension rods can have a build-up of rust and gunk from day-to-day use, sweat, and other factors. These factors can cause the tension rods to become difficult to turn. This problem can be avoided by simply taking the time to clean off the gunk, as I’m doing in this video. After soaking the tension rods in soapy water, I take each tension rod and run it through the zero-grade steel wool used in my drill. This process cleans off any other gunk on the tension rods that weren’t broken down by the soapy water. Repeat this process with all of them, and I can assure you that it will make tuning that snare drum a much more enjoyable experience. What do you guys think? Do you clean your tension rods? Does the process look similar to this? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #fixxerupper #experimenting #findyoursound #comparison #keeponlearning #florida #orlando #drumtuning #techtiptuesday #tensioning #tipsandtricks #drumhack #drumsultant #techtip #maintenance
This hack is simply taking a Mr. Clean Magic eraser and some water to clean off any dirt or marks that might develop on your drum heads. This hack gives you NO tonal advantage to the drum or drum head. It’s just an aesthetic thing. If you record videos and like your drum heads looking clean, then this is for you. If you resell drums and want the drum head to look clean and want to save money by not buying new drum heads to have them changed by the buyer, then this is for you. It’s just another drum hack to use if you so choose. If you love having some marks on your drum heads, that’s okay, and you don’t have to clean them. It’s just a tool you now have in your mental toolbox to use if you need or want to. What do you guys think? Have you ever cleaned your drum heads before? Do you think this will be beneficial in a pinch? Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it! Stay creative, and have a great rest of the week. Love you, guys!! Okay. Byeeeee. 🥁🤓👊🏻❤️🙏🏻 — #testabeatdrums #thedrumsultant #drumtuning #snaredrum #snare #drummer #vibe #geartok #drumtok #process #technique #fixxerupper #tuning #sound #CapCut #keeponlearning #florida #orlando #drumtuning #techtiptuesday #tensioning #drumheads #aesthetic #drumsultant #mrclean #drumhacks