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#greenscreenvideoI stand in opposition to a character named Blake Martin, who can be considered misleading in his teachings. He is encouraging you all to turn against every Christian. Just because a pastor mentions money in his sermon does not mean he is trying to obtain it from you.
Blake’s actions could lead you to face harsh judgment from the Lord Jesus. Stop slandering people with whom you disagree. What sin do you claim that Pastor has committed? #AreYouEntertained #Entertainment #FalseChristian #FalseTeacher #StopSlandering #TheChurch . #AnthonyMitchell #Christian #Church #ChristianEntertainment #ChristianTikTok #ChristianContent #TikTokChurch #ChurchTikTok #TikTokPreacher #Influencer #RickeyCaster #Re#Repent


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Bigger Picture of Confessing Israelite. This video is the bigger perspective of the video currently going viral the second time. This is about the self proclaimed Israelite. I called them black Hebrew Israelites. This is one of three of the bigger pictures. This video may not convince you that he’s claiming to be in Israelite. However, there is another video that should give you a better comprehension. #TeamRescueMinistries #TheKingdomOfGod #JesusIsLord #RickeyCaster #TheGreatCommission #Christian #BornAgain #Preaching #TheSonOfGod #Salvation #Biblical #Preacher #TheGospel #GOD #BealeStreet #MemphisTennessee #violence
·4d ago
Simon the sorcerer! #TeamRescueMinistries #TheKingdomOfGod #JesusIsLord #RickeyCaster #Christian #TheGreatCommission #BornAgain #Preaching #TheSonOfGod #Salvation #Biblical #MemphisTennessee #BealeStreet #Preacher #TheGospel #TheBookOfActs
·5d ago
Threats! #TeamRescueMinistries #TheKingdomOfGod #JesusIsLord #RickeyCaster #TheGreatCommission #Christian #BornAgain #Preaching #TheSonOfGod #Salvation #Biblical #MemphisTennessee #BealeStreet #Preacher #TheGospel #violence
·5d ago
#greenscreenvideo man swallowed by a whale. The testimony of scripture is real. Save this video. #Jonah #JonahAndTheWhale #Whale #ManSwallowed #RickeyCaster #TeamRescueMinistries #TheBible #Biblical #JesusIsTrue #JesusIsReal #Christian #IAmABeliever #FollowChrist #JesusIsLord #Jesus #Christ #Messiah
·16h ago
#creatorsearchinsights this was in the Indianapolis some years back. #Jesus #JesusChrist #Indianapolis #TeamRescueMinistries #RickeyCaster #GodLoves #LoveOfGod #HardTruth #Truth #SpiritualLove #Spiritual #Love
·1d ago
this was in the UK 2022 I believe. God really moved on this man. #UK #London #TeamRescueMinistries #RickeyCaster #JesusIsLord #Christian #Preacher #Fire #BornAgain #ChristianTikTok #TikTokChristian #christiancontent
·1d ago
Teamwork! My little big brother and I participated in some drive-by preaching, where we stopped to pray for a young lady in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. In 2021, the Lord led us to conduct a one-month mission there. With many churches shutting down due to the pandemic, we found that many people were hungry and thirsty for the Word. There was a significant rise in depression among the community. The Lord used my brother, Jordan McCleod, and me to provide relief to God's people and those who were struggling. #MakeJesusFamousMinistries #TeamRescueMinistries #StreetPreaching #Ministering #PineBluffArkansas #Christian #ChristianContent #ChristianLiving #ChristianLife #2021 #ShutDownChurches #RickeyCaster #TheTruth #TheGreatCommission #christiantok #TheKingdomOfGod @jordanbepreaching
·2d ago
BEALE STREET ISRAELITES I hate dealing with these individuals! First of all not every Hebrew Israelite is the same. I know they carry a different name, depending on the camp. However, for the most part, they can never know Truth. And because of that is extremely hard to deal with them. We understand that unless one is born again, they cannot comprehend the kingdom of God, neither the words of life of the new covenant. Most of the Hebrew Israelites have a lack of education and are unable to comprehend things that are simply spoken in scripture and of playing speech. It can be a combination of mental illness, illiteracy, the result of rejection, and cultism that has plague their minds because of a false teacher. Watch as my brother opens up the Bible, and they cannot understand the basic words that are written and spoken. I don’t like debating these people because for the most part, it becomes fruitless. However, for the sake of others learning and knowing how to defend themselves against heresy, and also for the hope that one is not completely spiritually destroyed that we might win the soul over one chip at a time. #HebrewIsraelite #BEALEStreet #IsraelitesMemphis #israelites #RickeyCaster #JustinLee #ArkansasStreetPreachers #TeamRescueMinistries #TheTruth #Loss #TheLost #TheGreatCommission #Debate #BlackHebrewIsraelites #SmallDebate #christiantok #TheSouth #ClubNight #Darknes #Repent #TheKingdomOfGod #JesusIsLord #TheGreatCommission #Christian #BornAgain #Preaching
·2d ago
JUSTIN LEE 2 This is another part where my brother Justin Lee challenges several Muslims as we were preaching on Bale Street in Memphis, Tennessee. There will be a part three and part four. we are called to preach the gospel in every street corner and in every place. Wherever there is an ear to hear we will preach. #Muslim #SmallDebate #Debate #BealeStreet #RickeyCaster #JustinLee #ArkansasStreetPreachers #TeamRescueMinistries #christiantok #TheSouth #ClubNight #Darknes #Repent #TheKingdomOfGod #JesusIsLord #TheGreatCommission #Christian #BornAgain #Preaching #Salvation #Biblical #Preacher #TheGospel #GOD #BealeStreet
·2d ago
as a warrior in Christ, I have got to be self-defeating! I am sometimes my worst enemy. And I can also be my best friend. When all my friends leave, I have still got myself. Obviously I’m never by myself. Christ Jesus is with me and his spirit. #TheBoxOfPreacher #RickeyCaster #BornAgain #WarriorInChrist #TheArmyOfGod #Boxer
·2d ago
#greenscreenvideo a self claim Israelite. I don’t know the name of the camp. But this is the type that does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. This is the type that just specifically believes in the law and they call Paul a heretic and Jesus a fraud. There are multi types of self proclaimed Israelites and I have dealt with a few. These are the type that blasphemes the Holy Ghost and that are truly fit for destruction. Unless the veil is taken from over their eyes. #Israelite #Liar #False #FalseTeacher #Loss #Cult #Praying #PrayingForYou #YouMustBeBornAgain #Christian #ChristianAgainstIsraelite #Debate #DebateThroughText #TruthAndLie #JesusIsLord #JesusTheMessiah .
·3d ago
Take The Cross Serious Christians! At the beginning of this video, a believer argues that I should meet people where they are and avoid discussing sinful practices. According to his testimony, people are simply trying to enjoy themselves after working all week, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Towards the end of the video, the overseer of Beale Street told me that I needed to turn the music down. It was my first time meeting him, and I was grateful that he allowed me to continue preaching the gospel for over a month. Take a look and listen. #TeamRescueMinistries #TheSouth #ClubNight #ChristianInDarkness #Darknes #Repent #TheKingdomOfGod #JesusIsLord #RickeyCaster #TheGreatCommission #Christian #BornAgain #Preaching #TheSonOfGod #Salvation #Biblical #Preacher #TheGospel #GOD #BealeStreet #MemphisTennessee
·4d ago