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Retro Rewind TV: The Top Hits From This Week 40 Years Ago! Jan 22, 1985!
🎶The charts keep changing! Bruce Springsteen's hit, Born In The USA, didn't stay long, as it drops out of the top 10 along with Pat Benatar and Duran Duran. Replace them are Billy Ocean, Don Henley, and Prince, who hits the charts AGAIN after only being gone a couple of weeks. The man was a legend and 1985 looks to be just as big for him as 1984 was!
🔥🔥Here Are The Billboard Top 10 Songs From January 20-26, 1985!🔥🔥
10: I Would Die 4 u - Prince
9: Love Boy - Billy Ocean
8: The Boys of Summer - Don Henley
7: Run To You - Bryan Adams
6: All I Need - Jack Wagner
5: Careless Whisper - Wham!
4: Easy Lover - Philip Bailey (w/Phil Collins)
3: You're The Inspiration - Chicago
2: I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner
1: Like A Virgin - Madonna
🛑 Now, a couple of things: this is from the Billboard Hot 100 Chart - which is the main source of what the top songs are, based on sales and radio airplay in the US. Second, I didn't make the list, so asking "what about" is moronic. If they aren't on the list, they weren't a significant hit THIS WEEK 40 years ago.
Let me know which of these hits from 1985 are in your playlist in the comments below! 👇
🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly email, Be Kind Retro Rewind? It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!!
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Retro Rewind TV: A Very Special Episode of Retro Rewind! 📺 There is nothing more intrinsically GenX than the "Very Special Episode" of a sitcom. They started to pop up regularly in the 70s and 80s, going through the bulk of the GenX Childhood, ending (for the most part) by the mid-90s as the majority of us had aged into high school and college. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sure, Millennials had a tiny bit of it, but The Very Special Episode was, really, made and targeted at GenX. 😱 And some of those Very Special Episodes were completely bonkers. The two worst were probably Edith's 50th Birthday from All In The Family, and the episode of Diff'Rent Strokes where Arnold leaves Dudley with Mr. Horton.🚲 Of course, the most INSANE part of it all was the fact the producers usually left the laugh tracks in. How messed up was that?!🤣 What was the most traumatic Very Special Episode for you as a kid? Let me know your pick in the comments below - or just let me know which you wished I'd included! 👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly email, Be Kind Retro Rewind? It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80stv #80stelevision #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s
·10h ago
 Retro Rewind 80s Arcade: Pacman! 🕹 Pac-Man was the game that really kickstarted the 80s arcade boom. Without this little yellow dot-eater, the video game crazy might not have been as big as it was. 🔥 It’s crazy how something with such simple graphics could be so addicting...and the music! Whoever designed the sound effects and music on those early 80s games had it down. They made you want to play AND keep playing. Arcade sounds were like crack for your ears. Which sounds messy. So, which game did you prefer: Pac-Man or Ms. Pac-man? Let me know in the comments down below!👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly newsletter, Be Kind Retro Rewind? Comment with BE KIND below and I'll DM the link to signup. It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #forgotten80s #80sretro #80sclassic #80sflashback #retro80s #80smemories #80svintage #80snostalgia #80spopculture #genx #retrorewind80s #retrogames #retroarcade #80sgames #80svideogames #80sarcade #80sarcadegames #homearcade #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s #pacman
·22h ago
Retro Rewind TV: Back to the Stone Age! 🛑Before I get into talking about this scene with Goodman and a young, insanely hot Halle Berry, I want to complain. I hated Rosie O’Donnell as Betty. I mean, I had no issues with her or her performance, but since the cartoon had first aired, Betty Rubble was supposed to be the ultra attractive character in the show. That’s why having her paired against Barney was funny. Heck, the term “Betty” meant hot girl for as long as I can remember. Rosie O’Donnell is a fine actress and fantastic comedian. She does not fit that mold and defeats the comedic pairing of Barney-Betty. It was a miscasting. 🎥Aside from that quibble, the movie was fun. I mean, it was a bit too mature for the family audiences that it was marketed to at the time - BUT, the Flintstones cartoon had a lot of adult humor woven subtly into its stories as well, so I was fine with that. Maybe the movie should have been a bit more nuanced in its humor. 🔥Of course, the important thing here is that Halle Berry was absolutely smoking. If I had another point I have absolutely forgotten what it was.  What was your favorite John Goodman film? Let me know your pick in the comments below...while you do that, I’m going to go and watch Halle Berry some more.👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly newsletter, Be Kind Retro Rewind? Comment with BE KIND below and I'll DM the link to signup. It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #90smovies #millennial #millennials #halleberry #flintstones #johngoodman #rosieodonnell #rickmoranis #kylemaclachlan #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smovies #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s #80sfilms
·1d ago
Retro Rewind TV: The Top Hits From This Week 40 Years Ago! Feb 17-23 1985! 🎶Not too many BIG changes this week. The Don Henley's Boys of Summer are knocked out of the top ten, replace by Sheena Easton and her Sugar Walls. Glenn Frey and the Pointer Sisters are still holding out in the middle of the pack, powered by their connection to Beverly Hills Cop. And Careless Whisper continues to dominate at number one! 🔥🔥Here Are The Billboard Top 10 Songs From February 17-23, 1985!🔥🔥 10: Sugar Walls - Sheena Easton 9: Method Of Modern Love - Daryl Hall & John Oates 8: California Girls - David Lee Roth 7: The Heat Is On - Glenn Frey 6: Neutron Dance - The Pointer Sisters 5: I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner 4: Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon 3: Easy Lover - Philip Bailey (w/Phil Collins) 2: Lover Boy - Billy Ocean 1: Careless Whisper - Wham! Ft. George Michael 🛑 Now, a couple of things: this is from the Billboard Hot 100 Chart - which is the main source of what the top songs are, based on sales and radio airplay in the US. Second, I didn't make the list, so asking "what about" is moronic. If they aren't on the list, they weren't a significant hit THIS WEEK 40 years ago. Let me know which of these hits from 1985 are in your playlist in the comments below! 👇 🔥👕 Comment RETRO MERCH to check out the latest t-shirts and more from Retro Rewind! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smusic #mtv #80skid #80skids #billboard #hot100 #top10  #80shits #wham #foreigner #philipbailey #philcollins #hallandoates #billyocean #sheenaeaston #davidleeroth #glennfrey #pointersisters #reospeedwagon
·1d ago
Retro Rewind TV: Retro Karaoke Challenge - If You Know More Than 3 Of These Songs, Then You're Massaging A Joint Instead Of Smoking One! 🎂 Yes, Marge turned the big 50 last month and she's still pretty salty about it. I wouldn't know because I am 32 years old...and none of you can prove otherwise. So, in honor of her passing the half century mark, here are a bunch of songs that were all about alleviating the pain with some self-prescribed medication. How many of these Classic Songs 80s (ish) songs do you know the lyrics to? Let me know how you did in the comments below! 👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly newsletter, Be Kind Retro Rewind? Comment with BE KIND below and I'll DM the link to signup. It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s #genxcrew #genxlife #carpoolkaraoke #retrokaraoke #80skid #80skids #80shits #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smusic #mtv #70smusic
·2d ago
Retro Rewind TV: 80s Movie Quote Challenge! ♥Everyone says the LOVE 80s movies and that they've watched every single one ever made...except Steel Magnolias. For some reason people never want to admit to that one. But I digress. It's also true that as 80s kids we used to speak almost exclusively in quotes from our favorite 80s movies. And I think that is a good challenge for 80s fans. 🎥This week should be easy for REAL 80s movie fans...but I suspect a lot of you are going to have some problems with it. So, here are the standard 3 quotes plus one to help you out because I'm feeling nice. Extra points if you can tell me who said each of the quotes. Extra extra points if you saw it in the theater. Points deducted from trying to flex by saying you watched it on Betamax. That was never cool. So, can you name this classic 80s film in three quotes or less? Or did you need the fourth one to get it? Let me know how you did in the comments below! 👇 Comment RETRO MERCH to check out the latest t-shirts and more from Retro Rewind! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smovies #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s #80sfilms #80smoviechallenge #80smovie
·3d ago
Retro Rewind TV: GenX Reacts To Whatever The Heck THIS Is! For some reason, about fifty of you sent me this clip and, to be honest, I really wish you hadn't. I have seen some messed up stuff on social media these days - heck, @VegasUnboxed sends me clips that make me want to wash my eyes after washing - but this one kind of creeped me out a bit. I get that ASMR is a thing. People get off on it. But, C'mon, GenZ...what the heck are you thinking?! Is the quest for the attention your parents aren't giving you really worth this? Oddly enough, i don't know what disturbed me more: him chewing on the toilet or his faux-Farrah Fawcett blowout hair. So, fellow 80s Kids, tell me about the weirdest thing you've seen on social media in the comments below. Or, better yet, send me the clip because I need some new things to discuss in therapy. Comment RETRO MERCH to check out the latest t-shirts and more from Retro Rewind! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smemes #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s
·4d ago
Retro Rewind TV: Problematic 80s Music 👴 We old people - yes, fellow GenXers, I'm talking about you - like to complain a lot about modern music. I'm as guilty of it as anyone. You'll hear a GenXer or a Boomer (or even a Millennial) making side comments about songs not being appropriate. 🎶 Well, I hate to tell you, but we had just as many "inappropriate" songs as GenZ...and this song by Benny Mardones, which hit the Top 20 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 TWICE in the 80s, is a fantastic example. 😡 As a father this is far worse than W.A.P. 🤷🏻‍♂️ All I'm saying here is, give the kids a break sometime. Sure, their music isn't as good as ours was, but it's also not any worse. Give me your favorite "inappropriate" songs in the comments below. Or, go off on know I live for it. 👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly email, Be Kind Retro Rewind? It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smusic #mtv #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s
·5d ago
Retro Rewind TV: The REAL Truth Behind Growing Up GenX 💪😎 Yes, GenX really was a different breed. The Boomers grew up with the atomic family, post war prosperity, and a much more stable world. Millennials had aging Boomer parents who were already tired from raising GenX, and participation trophies. 💦 GenX was raised on anxiety, neglect, and hose water. Oh, and the best TV, movies, and music ever created. 🤷🏻‍♂️As a demonstration of what it was like to grow up as a GenX kid in the 70s, I gathered together a team of the greatest scientists in the world to compile a dramatic reenactment of that time. And, after spending millions of dollars in tax payer dollars, here it is, for your viewing pleasure.  🤣 I can't wait for the plethora of Boomers and Millennials to drop comments saying "we did that, too!" That's the best part of my day! 👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly email, Be Kind Retro Rewind? It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smemes #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s
·6d ago
Retro Rewind TV: GenX Is Old as F! 👴 Although GenX feels fantastic for its age, and looks far younger than the other generations (Millennials, GenZ - you guys are TORE UP), we have to face the fact that we are, indeed, getting old. 😱To help you realize just HOW OLD, here is a list of 13 things that are younger than we are. Get ready because you might need therapy once we're done here. 🤷🏻‍♂️Well, at least we aren't as old as the Boomers...that's something, right? Right? So, fellow GenXers, how you doing? Feeling good? Let me know in the comments below!👇 🛑 Have you subscribed to our bi-weekly email, Be Kind Retro Rewind? It's got exclusive Retro content, fun facts, and monthly giveaways! Don't miss out!! #retrorewindtv #retrorewind80s #retrorewind #matnastos #retro80s #genx #generationx #80smemes #80skid #80skids #genxlife #ilovethe80s #backtothe80s
·1w ago