WE’RE BACK 🥲🥰 I still can’t get over the vintage little people track 🤩🥲… I think I’m going to try the gooooood old toothbrush and soap 🧼 first & if that doesn’t work???? Idddddk send recommendations guys!!
#firsttimemom #thrifting #toythrifting #13monthold #vintagelittlepeople #thriftinghaul #toddlermom
original sound - Alex | Fitness+Nutrition Coach
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GUYS!! the “not welcome” sign with the pictures 😅 did you see it?!👀 No but for real bestiess please give me the suggestions for car toys actually WORTH IT because I’m scared for this trip lol #roadtrip #roadtripwithkids #cartoys #toddlercartoys #firsttimemom #thrifting #moms #toddlermom
·8h ago Replying to @bibbidi.bobbidi.bree I’ve been doing it this way for about two months & it’s game changing tbh 👏🏼 especially if you’re thrifting most of your toys!! It really gets into the spots you can’t get #steamclean #thrifting #cleaningtoys #thrifted #toycleaning #cleantok #firsttimemom #toddlermom
·10h ago Looking back at all the shit no one tells you as a first time mom… let me take some stress off your plate mama🤍😅🥲 #firsttimemom #momtips #newmom #newmomtips #tipsformoms #postpartumjourney #postpartum #postpartumtiktok #newmoms
·13h ago It was TIME for a rotation 😍👏🏼 i haven’t done one of these vids in forever and now I remember why I love them so much!! I want to do a Q&A for you guys about all things toys, playroom, learning, etc!! So drop the questions in the comments mamas 🤍 #toddlertoys #montessori #playroom #toddlermom #toyrotation #montessorimom #toyrotationday #playroomdecor
·1d ago Replying to @mynameisdustin The way this would’ve cost hundreds of $$ if I didn’t thrift them all!! Which is why I will continue 😂 There are still so many sets I want, just refuse to buy full priceeee so we shall wait until the day we meet at the thrift store lol #toddlertoys #littlepeoplecollection #littlepeoplehaul #fisherpricetoys #thrifting #toddlermom #fisherprice #thrifted
·2d ago Replying to @Nadia 💕 am I the only one that thinks the peekaboo puppy is kinda creepy?!? 🤨🐶 Do you have this thing?! #toddlertoys #goodwill #fisherpricetoys #thrifting #goodwillthrifting #spacejam #toddlermom #thriftwithme
·2d ago DJ @Huggies® in the houseee 😅🎵 … this kid cracks me up #fisherprice #toddlertoys #toddlermom #fisherpricetoys
·3d ago this is the SECOND time I’ve found this thrifting! I can’t believe the price!! 👀🤯 Also… my eyebrow?! Why did no one tell me lmao 🥲🤦🏻♀️ #thrifting #goodwill #thrifted #btoys #toddlermom #goodwillthrifting #thriftwithme
·4d ago THE DRAMA !! …. Do we read this together guys🤪👀 I still really can’t believe goodwill is selling used diary’s guys lol like what 😂 #diary #thrifting #storytime #vintagediary #goodwillfind
·4d ago okay but this has been the ONLY goodwill I’ve been to that actually has the kids clothes arranged by SIZE!!? I appreciate that so much 👏🏼😪 We were just looking at those shoes this week & almost ordered them from Amazon! It’s a manifestation 😍 #toddlerclothes #toddlerthriftfinds #firsttimemom #newmom #goodwillfinds #kidsclothes #thriftingfinds #toddlerthrifthaul
·5d ago Replying to @diana mcmahon YOU’VE GOT THIS MAMA🫶🏻… I’m right there with youuu. Right now I’m trying to get to the gym at least 1x a week and do 2x home workouts! It’s hit or miss & definitely not consistent week to week because well… motherhood lol If you guys ever need any support or direction with your fitness - I have an app that gives you SO SO many workouts, we have monthly challenges, and all the tools you need! I’m also an online nutrition and fitness coach if you need something more hands on💪🏼🤍 AND I’m going to be posting fulll workouts on my YouTube channel for you guys every weeek starting NEXT WEEK!!! I’m so excited for this new project & I can not wait to give you guys what you’ve been asking for!! Leggings areee @Paragon Fitwear support code AYFIT savesss yaa 10% #postpartum #postpartumjourney #workout #gymworkout #postpartumweightloss #firsttimemom
·5d ago Does this hurt them?! Like you’re not catching me crawling all over the floor all day? It’s not comfortable!!? Soooo are we supposed to be doing something about that? Seriously I’m so upset thinking about it 😪🙄 #morningroutine #coffeethoughts #mom #firsttimemom #motherhood #newmom #toddlermom
·5d ago no bc the amount of sales I’ve missed bc of the little secret?! Like NO WHERE was it mentioned it’s the plastic little damn tag attacher things… what is this nonsense lmao Did everyone else know this about OUAC orrrrr am I just way out of the loop on this one 😂🤦🏻♀️ #toddlerthrifthaul #thrifting #thriftwithme #firsttimemom #toddlermom #motherhood #onceuponachild
·6d ago Replying to @Sammiejo THE END 🥹👀 do you guys think small action figures/figurines are better than the big ones orrrr vise versa?? Side note I have a confession… I did not realize when I started my obsession for thrifting litttle people that there were SO MANY SETS ?!? Why did you guys not warn me!! #thrifting #thriftwithme #firsttimemom #littlepeople #thriftingfinds #toddlermom #motherhood #thriftingfinds
·6d ago Forgot the BASKET, had two balloons but the wind ate one & I don’t have batteries for the fan 🫠🤦🏻♀️ … The chaos that is motherhood 🥲 BUT he will be excited & that’s the only thing that matters 🤍!! Definitely starting on his Easter basket before the night of lmao #valentiensday #toddlervalentines #kidsvdaygifts #vdaybasket #love #motherhood #dollartree #toddlermom
·1w ago