If one level is clean, the other level isn’t! 😂 my whole house is tidy right now and i’m going to sit and enjoy it for the 10 minutes it’ll last for 🙌🏻 #cleanhome #cleanhouse #chores #choresforkids #pickup #tidytok #tidyuptime #tidyup #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #cleantok
Spice Girls Dolly Parton mashup - Love music Old and New
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Replying to @taylorperks55 weekly cleaning schedule! Tips: cap it at an hour. The point is to make it so you are not cleaning all day! Put your larger rooms on days you have more time. Also, tweak!! When you first make your schedule, try it out and move days/rooms around as you see fit! #cleaningschedule #momtips #cleaningtips #howicleanmyhouse #cleanhouse #simplifyingmotherhood
·2023-11-20My least favorite day of the cleaning schedule, but my favorite when it’s done. When my kitchen is clean, I feel like my house is ✨ brighter ✨ total elapsed time: 45 minutes! #cleankitchen #cleaningschedule #afternooninthelife #dayinmylifevlog #dayinthelife #kitcheninspo #kitcheninspiration #cleanmykitchen #cleanmykitchenwithme #cleantok #cleanwithme #momsoftiktok #motherhoodunplugged #relatablemom #relatable
·2023-1-20Saturday night bedtime routine & reset! Will post a voiceover version tomorrow since this one took 2 hours to load into CapCut. Hopefully some will still see it. #momsoftiktok #momoftiktok #vlog #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodunfiltered #eveninginmylife #momofboys #momof6 #housereset #reset #bedtimeroutine #bedtimeroutineforkids
·2022-11-27This day FLEW by! Can we please petition to end DLS? It takes me sooo long to adjust 😂🙃 #daylightsavings #monday #mondayvibes #laundry #homeschool #momof6 #momofsix #boymom #momofboys #slowday #slowmorning #slowliving #chores #choresforkids #motherson
·1d ago This estate sale was a dream! #vintage #vintagevibes #estatesale #estatesalefinds #familyday #antiquedecor #vintagevibes #thrifted #thriftedhome #thrifteddecor #cozy #cozyhome #l
·2d ago Beau does not understand- ill have to self tan him next 😂 #marriage #marriagehumor #husbandsoftiktok #wivesoftiktok #motherhood #moodbooster #seasonschange #selftanner #selftan #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters
·4d ago We love our Thurs night church service! Fit check, i don’t really follow trends and just choose what I naturally gravitate to and that I feel good in! #fitcheck #churchtiktok #churchfit #fashion #momfashion #christiantiktok #motherhood #momfit #momsoftiktok #whatiwore #whatiworetoday
·5d ago When we first moved to Texas (from WI), we weren’t sure what our plans were for school. We sent our oldest to a private school while I homeschooled my kindergartener. My oldest didn’t enjoy going to school. When we moved out into the country, we found out about the twins (double surprise!) We explored hybrid school options and public school. Public school just didn’t sit right in my heart (for my family- everyone has different convictions❤️). We applied to a hybrid school, but I was nervous how schooling at home 2 days a week would go with newborn twins. That’s when the country school fell into our lap. It was 2 minutes from our house, on a working farm with a farm store, one room schoolhouse style. A handful of kids 1st grade through high school learned together in a building (similar to ours). They gardened, baked, completed their schoolwork sitting around a herd of cows at a stock tank, got dirty, and were home by 1pm. It was an absolute dream. We met friends who are now like family, and it was the biggest blessing for us that year. Unfortunately, after our first year, it closed its doors (teacher’s decision- wanted to prioritize family). I was CRUSHED- that’s exactly the style of school I wanted for my boys. So, that’s how my dream for our own little schoolhouse & our little mini homestead was born. We bought the building for a repo lot, and after the kids went to bed, Beau and I headed out to work on it. It was 100% paid for by my work here on social media. Start to fully complete, it took about 18 months. Every time I was paid from a collab, we’d buy the next item needed, and slowly but surely, our own little schoolhouse was complete. I’m praying one day, when the twins start school, I can run a co-op out of it and share it with fellow homeschool families! Now, we’re slowly but surely working on the mini homestead part. ❤️ #diy #diyproject #hardwork #patience #schoolhouse #oneroomschoolhouse #motherhood #dreams #dreamscometrue #project #family #familytime
·6d ago Aahh i love our slow Tuesdays! #routine #schedule #dayinmylife #motherhood #homeschool #reset #momsoftiktok #momofsix #momof6 #boymom #momofboys #fyp #tuesday #slowmorning #slowliving
·1w ago Manic Monday whole house reset! #reset #monday #mondaymotivation #mondayvibes #motherhood #baseballmom #cleaningschedule #tidy #tidyup #mondayreset #sportsmom #momofboys #purge #purging
·3-4Beau trimmed their sides a few days ago, so it was def time to do the tops! They’re never perfect I am no professional, and they’re asking for some I need to pull out the YT turorials for these days 😂 but they still come back to me for service ❤️😂 #haircut #haircutsboys #boyhair #boyhaircut #haircuttutorial #athomehaircut #momtips #motherhood #boymom #momofboys
·3-3Baseball mom life ❤️ ⚾️ and the little baseball siblings get whatever they want 😂 #sports #sportsmom #motherhood #baseballmom #baseballfamily #motherhoodjourney #fyp
·3-2Pearl, meet Peggy & Piper! Im working on convincing Beau to build me a duck coop so I can fill it with lots of friends for Pearly girly! Y’all help me out! 😉 #homestead #ducks #ducksoftiktok #dayinmylife #chickensoftiktok #chickens #chickencoop #wivesbelike #husbandsbelike #boymom #momofboys
·3-1Love when co-op day is also day my husband is home! #dayinmylife #homeschool #homeschoolmom #productivity #fitmom #fitnessmotivation #whatididtoday #contentcreator #momvlog #momvlogger #toddlermom
·2-28Nothing like waking up to a picked up house ❤️ a warm, cozy welcome for us all ❤️ #motherhood #bedtime #routine #closethehouse #momsoftiktok #momtips #bedtimeroutine #fyp #motherhoodjourney #schedule #cleaningschedule #momtime #momrelatable #cozy #cozyathome #cozyhomedecor